The best yoyo

What is the best yoyo you have ever tried?

The one I got most recently. Which ever that may be at this second. When ever I get a new yoyo, i get a new favorite.

I am a huge fan of the AMS Tundra tho.


What do you think of the Raiser?

I think you should get one if it look or sounds interesting to you.

Yoyos are like flavors of ice cream. All are valid, some I like better than others, but that does not mean that you would like the same ones in the same ways. So try as many as you can, dont look back and keep on throwing. Whether it costs 5 bucks or 500, as long as it makes you happy and keeps you throwing, thats a winner in my book.

That being said, i cannot speak on the Raiser as ive not thrown it.

Whats you competition throw?

I really only play for fun, thus my throw preferences have evolved to look for soft Os and less rim weight. These are usually unfavorable in the comp scene due to lack of stability.

What ever yoyo you are most comfortable with is the one I would compete with if I were to.

Objectively “best” for durability and lasting many decades would probably be a titanium yo-yo as it’s radically stronger than steel and aluminum.

These days everyone’s machining is so good that once you get at or beyond $50, the quality level is super high across the board.

“Best” for how it plays, well, that’s totally subjective and depends what shapes / sizes / weights you prefer. :wink:

Yup, too subjective of a question to answer. Maybe “what’s your favorite?” but “what’s the best?” cannot be answered.

It’s too subjective to apply across the board, but my favorites are the YoyoJam Hitman, the Hspin Lily (G & E 4), and the Hspin Pyro Lite. Others obviously have other favorites for reasons of there own.

Hm I can give you my top 3 haha, but it generally depends on how I feel.

Punchline (not repeater)

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What’s your favorite?

Digging my new rose gold SF right now. Also the ODxSF SK, Kraken, and harbinger for wood

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My favorite right now is the Markmont Classic.

Do you all really spend time considering how much more you like one yoyo than another? I just have yoyos everywhere and when I decide it’s time to yo, I grab the nearest yoyo. The best yoyo depends on what’s in my hand at the moment. If I’m smiling and lovin it, it’s the best!


Pshaw, we all know the best yoyo is the one that’s super hard to get and rare :wink:


My favourite throw is the 7 Summits. Nothing comes close in my opinion.

Currently my ‘best’ for me is the ILYY lio but I’ve ordered a grail so we’ll see!


I don’t know if I have a “best” yoyo. As corny as it sounds, I think about yo-yos in a similar way that I think about my children. There isn’t a best one, I just appreciate each individual one for its own unique personality and play style.

Or which one sleeps the longest… :slight_smile: