What Yoyo(s) are extremely good and smooth for grinding?

grind machine…lol
no really id say the g5
great for grinding

hmm funny how so far no one said Project 1s or 2s… lol :smiley:

Second run 5 stars, or any Candyblasted ILYY.

Basically anything with a good bead-blast will grind well.

The Plastic Grind Machine IS actually very good for grinding.

The 5 Star is AMAZING though.

New Breed.

the new die nasty is good for all grinds except for thmb grinds

I love the 888 for grinding.

Nobody said project 2 yet?
Deng. It’s beast at arm grinds and any grinds you can think of.

So true my brother! :smiley:

New breed.

i feel any yoyo that has metal edges or is all metal is good and smooth for grinding as long as the metal is smooth and you give the yoyo a hard throw

i agree 5star rocks for grinds!!