please tell me which one is the best
I have not played any of them, but based on my experience I would say The Cut… I actually just ordered one myself.
However, the M1 and Axiom are in a different range of metals… the Cut is High End, while the M1 and Axiom are in that category we are beginning to label Bargain Metals. If I had to choose between the two, Id go with the M1.
When you come right down to it, though, its all preference.
The axiom is a great yoyo just the engravings come off easily. The cut I never tried but, the prototype was good. The m1 is great for a good price, but it all comes down to prefrence. Give more info about what you like to do. ;D
Never tried an axiom, but the cut is amazing and I’m getting an M1 next week.
Id go with the M1 or any other one drop yoyos ;D
if you have had in experience with yoyojam yos then you know the axiom is gonna be great. but the cut probably is better my bud is buying one some time. but there both expensive so they should play well. as for the m1 i have never encounter. later and remember keep it spinning.
The CUT looks good, but so do the Axiom and M1. The Axiom is a smaller yoyo as well as the M1. If you don’t have an Axiom or M1, my guess is flip a coin.
Any yoyos is the best.I try some yoyos and they’re
really good. ;D