What yoyo has most "value" to you?

I know you all have super expensive throws but which throw has the most sentimental value to you? For me it’s my Zen 4 since it was my first metal. Love it to death.

my second chief. its minty mint, but its beat to crap. still plays awesome tho. never letting it go

Ehhhhh… I don’t have one that stands out too much. My Wrath was a gift from my wife. My Punchline turned out to be a surprise joy at very little cost (and includes bonus vibe from the previous owner!). My El Ranchero is my “bought new” pride and joy.

But I could lose all my yoyos in a flood and not feel that I’m out by very much “sentimental” value; I would only be out the monetary and time cost of replacement.

My General Yo 7075 Majesty… It’s the yoyo I’ve paid the most for, especially considering it came with the beautiful wooden box.