What was your FIRST YO-YO?

What waseveryones FIRST yo-yo. Like, the first one you ever had. Mine was a Duncan Butterfly and Imperial. What was yours?

An orange Duncan Imperial.

Probably most would be Duncan Imperials, Butterflies, etc. Like the ones you buy in toys r’ us.


A Duncan Butterfly.

yomega brain

Probably a Duncan Butterfly… But the first yoyo I really got into was a F.A.S.T 201

Duncan Butterfly


blue imperial

You actually had a good one for your first!

ive never actually owned a imperial or butterfly =P

my first was a yomega fireball, but my first real yoyo was a kickside.

A green proyo.

project…lol jk

I think my first one was a red duncan butterfly, but it couldve been an imperial

Duncan Imperial FTW!!!

I think mine was a yomega X-Brain

Mine was a duncan rainforest cafe yoyo.

FH1. I still have it in my collection today.

F.A.S.T. 201.