What was the hardest trick for you to learn?

I throw Mainly 2A. Getting 2 handed loops took alot of practice. But once you get the hang of it, I think it’s just alot of fun to do.

Gravity pull on an unresponsive yoyo.

the second part to yuuki-slack. i can easily get the first part but the second is impossible.

That right there. And of course, you can’t really do anything else until you can do a trapeze, so it made me crazy. Took me over a month. When I could do it on my Cherry Bomb every time, I went back and practiced until I could do it on my Power Spin. (Both bought at Mall Kiosks, Shaun!)

Have Fun,

got so many arm cramps practicing it

I’ve only been able to do Brent Stole and Magic Drop literally only like 4 times each. But i’m sure i’ll get it eventually. :wink:

i used to have a really hard time making the second roll work on the matrix… but now id say its the gyroscopic flop, i only ever get it around one half a spin
i have no problem with whips or lacerations

hashbrowns took me 8 streight hours to learn it and i still suck at it

gyroscopic flop

Magic Drop and Iron Whip. I still can’t do either. I took me quite a while to figure out the second roll on The Matrix (but I can fine now). I can barely do that same move from a doubled up trapeze as in Skin the Gerbil.

I saw your 2 month video

boing boing was very confusing i could never get it to get in a motion.

and magic drop

Leg Wrap Trap. Way to Hard.
I dont get how it goes under your leg and somehow manages to make a loop and go around your back. :-\

boing boing, ladder escape, brent stole, fury cake ahaha.

Boing-e Boing - sometimes(rarely) I get it sometimes(mostly) no

Hmmm… Goes through list of annoying tricks

I have to say the best ones were…

  1. Iron Whip

  2. Boing-e-Boing


Srysly, I still can’t do that stupid trick. GAH!!!

same here
gyroscopic flop, suicide just clicked a couple of weeks ago, magic drop have no idea how

a while ago spirit bomb. I gave up trying to learn seasick and yuuki slack,

  1. Boingy Boing but i finally can do it
  2. magic drop i can only do sometimes
  3. seasick
  4. superman
  5. double jade whip
  6. brent stole
  7. double suicide