Thread title may sound funny, but I think this is an interesting question.
When you’re yoyoing while not at home, do you tend to perform tricks that you’re still learning/finished learning but are still difficult for you? Or do you opt to throw your more comfortable autopilot tricks that you can land without thinking?
And whatever your choice is, what type of yoyo do you tend to grab before you leave the house?
That was the original question that got me thinking about the thread title question.
When I leave the house I always opt to grab higher performance/easier to play yoyos, because outside I just practice whatever I’ve been learning or working on recently. And because whatever time I’m spending outside playing yoyo is typically limited, I grab a yoyo that makes yoyoing easier to I can spend more of that time playing and less time restarting.
It seems like a lot of people prefer to take out higher walled and generally more punishing yoyos. So it made me wonder if people who opt for yoyos like that are just running through autopilot combos and just want to use a yoyo they find fun to use. Or if they want to use a yoyo that forces them to work on their execution/control while doing tricks they don’t necessarily have on lock yet. Because sometimes I do like grabbing harder to play yoyos since they feel like an effective practice tool.
I find myself using pocket sized yoyo’s when I’m throwing outside as I hate taking a bag around. They definitely tend to challenge me but when I do land tricks I find them my most rewarding throws. Boy I miss my jackal Either slim unresponsives or my beater fixies. I don’t like being perceived in public so I feel like less a fool throwing a butterfly or a beat to hell deep state versus something bigger/flashier.
Oh that’s a really good point I didn’t touch on at all in the OP. Throwing a responsive yoyo, especially a fixie, has to be so much quieter than the average unresponsive.
If one of my yoyos has a really loud bearing in it at the moment, it doesn’t bother me at home, but I’d never reach for that one to take outside.
i’m the complete opposite of this. i pretty much only do stuff that i’m already comfortable with when im yoyoing outside. this is usually more fun on less performant yoyos (shoutout rcs sk8r), so that’s what i bring. also, it’s scientifically proven that plastic yoyos instantly become 50% more enjoyable the second you leave your home, so i take advantage of this as well
I tend to bring anything into the wild that I don’t mind getting dinged or anything I can replace easily. So basically anything I have aside from my titaniums(Tishee got bonked off the ceiling recently, so might be taking it out to spark in the future). I don’t think I play any different in public than at home. In fact, I might be more adventurous in public. I remember things that I wouldn’t normally do at home, because simple, fun, flashy tricks can be more entertaining for people if they’re into watching. I jumped over a trapeze recently and I can’t remember the last time I tried that at home. People were hype. Hard trick? Not particularly. But I was definitely out of practice with it.
I keep my pano in the truck because it’s narrow enough to fit in my pocket if I’m taking it out and about. Usually work on making tricks I know smoother
In the summer when I’m not around people i keep my shortcut with a full ceramic in the tractor. Takes 10-15 min to fill a spray tank and I’ll practice a new trick.
I also like to bring pano bc it is easy to carry and usually, I like to just refine stuff I know already if I’m out and about. I can’t focus as well so I would just rather wait to try to work through newer stuff. If I’m going to a picnic or camping or something, I like to bring a 5a setup, usually cuda, bc it is hard for me to 5a in my apartment like too much breakable stuff around everywhere.
I’m another carrying a Panorama everywhere. Lately I have been carrying my freehand and working on perfecting my 360 consistency and switch backs, but I’m getting bored of them so I’m probably gonna look into some more 5a stuff this weekend.
On my pano, typically just same deal, working on stuff I know to smooth it out or just vibe with some basic stuff.
Outside is for big tricks, it wouldn’t have been possible for me to learn a lot of spin top, 4A, or juggling stuff where I usually throw inside. But I’m not sure if by outside you mean in public, because if I feel like people can see me I tend to get nervous and stick to small tricks.
I like to throw responsive outside, s-t-m, around the world, old school tricks.
I think I underestimated the convenience/portability factor of slim yoyos for people who actually have pockets.
I guess at the end of the day the best yoyo is the one you have on you, and whatever is easiest to carry with you is a good choice
@kevinm I was using “outside” to refer to anywhere that isn’t inside your home, but wasn’t at all thinking about people leaving their home specifically to play yoyo. Going to a park or somewhere that you can play 4A or 5A and practice big tricks is fun.
I bring plastic specifically because 90% of my outside play is while watching my kids at the playground or when it’s my kid-shift at the climbing gym, and there are other kids around, and my nightmare is having a kid run up from behind me and clobbering them with a metal yo. (One of the reasons I picked up yoyo was specifically because of how many hours I had hanging out outside watching kids.)
On the other hand, now that I’m starting 5a, the 5-10 year old set is particularly dazzled by absolute beginner 5a tricks.
My Responsive for the past several weeks has almost always been my Doc Pop Weekender.
My Unresponsive varies wildly. Today is the OD Wyvern I just picked up. Thought I would hate the color but wanted it for UV for our “BikeParty Indianapolis” events. Getting a portably Blacklight as well. Anywho, the color has rapidly grown on me during the day as well.
As for tricks, I love to bang out my comfort tricks - I have a few that are my go to jam all the time that I’m still polishing but look good most of time. Then I also work on new tricks as well.
I also carry a credit card size/shape tripod for my phone in case I want to film something cool.
I go on an 3-4 mile walk nearly every day after work. Sometimes I’ll bring one of my throws that I don’t really care if they get “damaged” and throw whatever.
I mostly throw over carpet in my house, I’ve broken one too many yo-yos I cared about by thinking I was better than I am and could catch it.
I got to try a minitee at club a few weeks ago, I loved it. If you have the carcass (lol) I would love to try to “save” it unless it’s in the great case in the sky now
i bring a responsive/fixie and an unresponsive with me most places but almost never use the unresponsive, lol.
most of my downtime is walking from a to b and its way easier to do flips and stm’s one-handed than try and lock in on like, frontsyle or something. it also feels less perceivable (to me at least) - adding the second hand really makes it feel like I’m Doing Something Here
i should be practicing shoot the moon outside… i don’t practice it because i’m always throwing inside and don’t have the space. i have a duncan butterfly and DIY on me every day, i’m just comfortable throwing those the most.