What types of tricks do you perform when outside?



I carry a Butterfly and mostly throw looping tricks like STM, ATW, Warp Drive, Planet Hops, etc.

I love doing Horizontal when I’m outside. something about it the visuals just makes it feel so nice


I don’t throw outside very often, but when I do, I chose Dos Equis. Wait a minute - that’s not right.

Depends on conditions, but if it’s remotely windy, slacks and probably whips are mostly out of the question for me. Much easier to keep tension (not torsion) on the string. It’s also a great opportunity to not give a crap about hitting anything, so Eli Hopping as high as I want is fun.


Outside I often bring a fixed axle as I usually have so egging I have to carry around for my kids so I’m one handed if I’m gonna throw

when im in the wild i grab whatever yoyo i want without any consideration beyond mood. i throw tricks i know and am comfortable with. A. im self conscious and B. if I’m learning something new or working on figuring elements out, i do it best where it’s quiet and I’m alone so i can focus. public time is showin off time lol


i usually only just do full autopilot tricks outside to refine execution, makes me look better than i am :^)


I have noticed this as well

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When i go out for errands and that sort of outing i have a fixed and a 1A unresponsive and i.usually throwing tricks im confortable throwing and landing cleanly… but i also work on any new trick (Trick-a-Week thread! ) while on line at Trader Joes, so I’m all over the place.
To work i have a Duncan case that i bring which holds 8 yoyos and I’ll bring something for style even though I’ll probably get more throw time online at TJs then at work.


Mostly the same tricks. Outdoors and high ceilings I do sky binds all day though, it’s so fun!

As far as throwing while waiting in line, it makes me feel immersed in my surroundings instead of distracted from them by my phone. Sometimes people near me in line will ask about it and then I get to chat about yoyos. If I’m working on something I will do it in public. I’ll be like “I’ve been working on this one-” and just mess it right up for them. Sometimes I catch people watching from a distance as I go through my favorite combos.

No one’s asked me to DNA but I get some walk the dog requests. No thanks! I’ll walk it down my leg or arm, rock the baby etc but we are staying away from the floor!


itd be funny to have a beater metal throw with you so when someone asks you to wtd you say ok. let it hit and ding, then fake flip out and blame them for ruining your yoyo


Tbh I keep dinging my warlock on everything, I’ll probably give it walkies next time someone asks lol.

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I usually have a fixie and an unresponsive with me when I go out. The fixie is mostly for basic up-and-down play while I’m walking or in meetings. The unresponsive is for practicing (and usually failing) new tricks.




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