What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

Hey nice to see ya man! Hope all is well on the trip!
Big shout out for that video you sent me on facebook with the tip on Kwyjibo! Holy heck! My consistancy has skyrocketed with that simple suggestion!

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Right??? :slight_smile:
Trip is going well. It’s 4am but I’m up due to jet lag ^^

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Reverse brent stole. I just can’t do it correctly. I know how to do 1.5hooks and reverse ones, but I cant do rbs. I know how to do it in my mind, but when I try it, I just can’t xd


Boom. Finally got this roll tech combo smoothed out. Well, smooth enough to film anyway… it could be smoother!



Lol yeah man I’m trying to process that in my head and I can’t figure out how that would happen

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I just figured it out :joy:

It’s sort of a rejection. If you make a really lame attempt at a pop, and the loop is still there and just big enough, like where it can also do an accidental bind like in your case, if the back half of the loop is rejected/pulled around the yo-yo, it creates a knot all on its own.


Got titanium chopsticks down pretty well for a single pass, but a wise person with many more internet points than me once said that a repeater is not a repeater unless you do it at least three times, so I guess I’m still working on that.

Serpentine is almost perfected, but I lose so much spin on it that I can’t figure out where to place it in a combo.

WHY CAN’T I GHOST BIND?! I throw the jojo across my face, whip the string into the gap from the top, and even when I can hear a distinct snap from the string like in a bind, it never comes back to my hand! Severl different jojos with several different strings.


That doesn’t sound like a ghost bind :confused:

With a ghost bind you swing the slack behind the yo-yo, and without causing the slack to keep swinging around, you make a little loop around the yo-yo as it’s hanging in the air. The yo-yo drops into the loop and does a slack bind as it falls.

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I think my problem is that I am doing it too aggressively, because what you’re describing is way more chill than the flailing about that I’ve been doing, lol. Gotta watch the Tyler Severance video on it again. I only paid half attention to the youtube preview without actually opening the link and watching it :grimacing:

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There’s a better ghost bind video than the Tyler Severance one—it’s much more clear about how it works. I can PM you a link if you want.

Yes please!

Just try to whip the maximum amount of string you can into the yoyo.

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I mean, when you whip it place your throwhand near the gap of the yoyo so a lot of string gets into the gap. Then, when you have got it perfected that way it is way easier to control it


Working on some fun ones!

-Kamikaze (SOOOO close!)
-Revolutions (get it right sometimes…)
-Suicides (meh. this is one of those things I feel will take me forever to get consistant)
-Jack’s Slack (video) (can do the slack + gyro…but don’t have a fancy dismount for it yet)
-Hidemasa Hook (just landed my first 2 tonight!!)
-Black Hops (VERY close to getting this one down too!)
-Snap Starts (can do it…but my spins still aren’t super powerful yet)
-Ghost Bind (getting more and more consistent with this one!)

Plus a bunch of other stuff.
I’ve really stepped up my practices this week and have been having a blast doing so!


Some good ones there for sure. Hooks and lacerations in general can be some of the harder ones sometimes as they are less step by step and more based on feel.


Trying to work on Wax On Wax Off, struggling with the first undermount…


I strung up my Colossus 4 tonight with a short string for my 5 year old. This kiddo hit several clean binds, AND learned trapeze and his brother mount.


Lmao, he keeps saying “no dad, don’t show me again. I’ve got it locked-in, I just need to practice it” :joy:


wow, he’s gonna be a star someday




Trying to combine some slack stuff I do habitually into an actual trick. I’ve mentioned this before but my yoyoing is in the style of Markmont’s fully freestyle stuff, so I do the occasional awesome trick but then can’t always reproduce it. A lot of what I get from trick tutorials apart from learning a new trick is a new element to include in my freestyle stuff, so I can approach a familiar situation with new ways to transition out.