What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

When the string hits your throw hand index finger, you need to let your hands come together a bit so the yo-yo goes up into the top string instead of rolling around into 1.5. You can practice this by tossing the yo-yo off to the right from a brother mount, like in “And Whut” if you’re familiar with that trick. Alternatively, you can just let the yo-yo dangle from your throw hand index finger and swing it up into the top string from there.

When you do it right from a throw, you can let your hands rise up a bit when the string hits your throw hand index finger to slow things down a bit.

It looks really easy when other people do it, and it’s not particularly hard really, but it does take a lot of practice to get good at it.


It’s been less than 3 weeks, but I seem to have a semi permanent indentation and ring mark where my string sits on my throw hand finger.

Can only imagine it’s worse for you guys who have been at it for years?


Current trick I’m working on is 2nd generation seasick (15 years since 2nd gen boingy). I’ve been able to hit the actual repeater part but not the full length of the whole ‘trick’ ie the mount and dismount sequence.


neck Brent stole, I hit it once by accident then I realized how it worked now im just trying to get it down


I’ve been playing for half a year and I still dont have a “permanent” mark haha


Semi permanent hehe


Mine actually goes out after a few minutes. However I’ve seen pro yoyoers who have a kind of “permanent” groove😂


just wait till you get a callas on your index finger! they kind of hurt


Yeah it’s basically the same as 1.5 mount but without the throw hand going under the yoyo and just let the yoyo drop to the bottom string.

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Ah that actually makes sense.
I’ll give it a go with that mental picture in my mind

Jade Whip is wearing me down. I’m about 20% with it.

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Anyone familiar with Konami Code? Just a random trick I stumbled across and it’s pretty easy… except for that cross-arm pop at the end. I can do regular Asian pops from a Houdini all day, but that cross arm bit is killing me. I’m getting some kind of response/“bind” and it’s turning into the most painful element I’ve ever attempted, simple as it may be. Normally I’d just keep at it but my hands are so bruised I’m getting a little hesitant to keep screwing it up. It’s hard to react and get out of the way with your arms crossed. Anyone have any pointers? Is it just a matter of pulling your NTH away to take the slack out?


Anyone got some tips on Slack Trapeze?

I can do it, I’m just wishing I was more consistent with it. I know, I know…“practice, practice, practice!!”…but just seeing if anyone has some suggestions or anything.


Are you getting an annoying axle knot with that “response/“bind”” thing you mentioned? Happens whenever I’m tentative with a pop, sometimes with or without an unintentional bind, which can really hurt.

No knotting, I feel like it has something to do with not being able to swing the “pop” fast enough. In normal Houdini mount pops, you get into a groove and go so quickly that you don’t really notice the loop sliding off your NTH, the slack gets pulled back by your TH that it (the loop) has no time to react and gain traction and bind. Replicating that cross armed is like trying to write cursive with your non dominant hand. That loop that slides off your finger (now your TH since you’re crossed) just kinda lingers a bit longer. I think it’s a combination of that and the angle at which you swing the yo-yo away from you during the pop. When I’m crossed, the yoyo tends to go more vertical. I think those two things together spell disaster. My bleeding hands can attest…

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Yeah, I know what you mean. It’s this same sort of situation where I get these weird axle knots. I can see it happen, and it’s like suddenly the string gets about a centimeter shorter as the yo-yo is kinda floating up in the air instead of flying out to the end of the string.

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I did this trying to do those cross-armed pops from Konami Code—I tried to intentionally fail at an easier pop, but I just couldn’t this morning(I even suck at sucking :sweat_smile:) Looks like I dropped a GT or something. I don’t get it…


Well that’s knot good! That’s knot how it’s suppose to be done!

I’m such a dork. >.<’


I practiced using a thicker string, and after I could do it consistently now I can do it on normal strings too. Not sure if that helps you too but I find learning tricks on the easiest set up for that trick helps me get it down. And once learnt it doesn’t matter much what set up you try on after that

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