What trick are you working on? (Pre 2025)

I don’t really know where to go next. Early on in the year I got Spirit Bomb down and felt really accomplished about that, then managed to get Ninja Vanish and again felt dead chuffed with myself. Sicne then I have mainly been faffing about with binds and practising regens and not working on anything new and it is about time I did something about that


I can finally do the Kwyjibo after working on this for so long!!!
Success rate is still only about 50% though.
But I’m happy enough to tick this off and keep practicing on this to improve my success rate while moving on to learn a new trick at the same time :slight_smile:


Been working through Charles’ roll combo recently broken down by mrmatio. I’m not finding it difficult but there’s a lot to it.


Holy heck man! haha that’s so cool!! :smiley:
Please stop progressing so quickly! I’ll never be able to keep up!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Haha you’re too kind I still miss the second hop just over half the time. And maybe the first hop too about 25% of the time :sweat_smile:


I hear you. I learned it in a day, but I have a long way to go until it flows like Charles or Matio. That seems to be a hallmark or A/rt that the tricks themselves aren’t always the most difficult, but executing them with flow and style is Tough (for me at least).


Pretty much haha. I’m up to the wrist mount part, figured I’d break it up and get it smoothed out in sections.

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your not that bad at the green triangle! it could take a LITTLE practice to get smooth but you can land it in the green triangle and you can also dismount good


Learnt to do three mounts today, under or nothing, houdini mount, kamikaze mount.

Now working on the sub mount combos.
Going into the submount, going from there to the 1.5 mount, double or nothing mount, the kamikaze mount and back to sub mount for each.

I think I will be working on these for a while :slight_smile:
reached level 35 on yoyo tricks so far at 8,156 xp. Lets keep going!!!


Took me quite a while as well. My friend helped me get it down, I just kept getting my hook better and then to do Brent Stole my friend said just push out your throw hand away from your body and over the yoyo and do the same motion as hook. This really helped me after watching some online tutorials and still now quite getting it.


Made a list of mounts and tricks that I have learnt.
And tricks that I am either working on or working on to make better until I’m more satisfied.

Removed tricks like picture tricks and others that I learnt but don’t see myself using in making combos.

Kind of useful to have a list in one place to refer to and come up with ideas on how to string them together in what order so they flow nicely in a combo. Haven’t made a new combo yet since doing “the confusion” and progress has slowed down a lot with tricks becoming a bit more difficult and taking many hours to land.

Mounts :

  • Front mount
  • Brain twister mount
  • Split bottom mount
  • Trapeze mount
  • Brother mount
  • Double or nothing mount
  • 1.5 mount
  • Under or nothing mount
  • Houdini mount
  • Green triangle mount
  • Kamikaze mount
  • Sub mount

Front style :

  • Brain twister
  • Forward and reverse flips
  • Ripcord
  • Split the atom
  • Barrel Rolls
  • Mach 5
  • Plastic whip

Side style :

  • Trapeze and his brother + slack
  • Double trapeze
  • Forward and reverse flips
  • Double or nothing
  • Matrix
  • Green triangle
  • Slack trapeze
  • Buddha’s revenge
  • Cold fusion
  • Green triangle
  • Kwyjibo
  • Eli hops

Horizontal style :

  • lol, I wish :joy:

Things to work on :

  • Split bottom mount variations and different ways to get in to it
  • Barrel rolls variations
  • Roller coaster
  • Sub mount variations
  • Sub mount speed combos (1.5, DoN, Kamikaze)
  • Skin the gerbil
  • Suicide
  • Zipper
  • Drop in the bucket
  • Rewind
  • Kwyjibo
  • Boing e boing

[Edit] : Credit to @twitch77 for suggesting this.
I thought I could just open up the yotricks app or go on yoyoexpert tutorial list etc and check in on tricks. But as my list of tricks I learnt, and also list of tricks I am working on at the same time keeps growing it gets harder to keep track.
Like for example skin the gerbil, Kwyjibo etc I can do, but not satisfied with the result. So I move on to learn new tricks but keep coming back to practice. And after a while I lose track of tricks I meant to revisit that I forgot about. Or tricks I learnt that would go well straight after or before a new trick I learnt but forgot I learnt it before.


Yeah, I think it’s a great idea to write things down and have a place where you can check in on things so you can have a plan on what to work on.

I keep a little book where I write down all the yo-yos I own, my wish list, a list of tricks I can do, a list of tricks I’d like to learn that are within reason and then I also keep a chart with tricks I’d like to work on each day.
It’s nice to have a list to follow as it gives me structure…and it’s fun to check the tricks off each day…but it also held me back from making much progress there for awhile because I was just doing the same things over and over every single day…instead of using that time working on new things.
Also it started to feel like a real grind.
Still I think it can be useful.

The last few weeks I’ve stopped doing the same tricks each day and have instead been focusing on 2 combos I’m trying to get consistent…along with just having fun and doing whatever comes to mind. It’s been very refreshing and I’ve made some real progress.

Starting tommorow I’m going to combine things. I’ll be doing 2 practice sessions each day instead of just 1. My first session will be where I’m doing tricks over and over…the second will be where I’m just having fun and working on anything that sparks my interest.

Oh, and I also keep a journal where I write down random thoughts I have about yoing. Stuff I’m excited about, things I want, struggles I’m having, combo ideas…etc etc.
I have no idea if doing this has any real benefit…but I figure it can’t hurt!

Here’s some photos…my h handwriting is horrible haha.


I do that too! I just keep a note on my mobile phone for all tricks that I’m working on/creating/learning, so I keep track of them


Real grind, like a finger grind? :slight_smile:

Wow the level of detail on those notes!


Any tips on getting in to the “sub mount” “z flip mount” “speed combo mount”?
I realise there doesn’t seem to be an official name for it, but I’m stuck on trying to do the bit where you look like you are about to go into a 1.5 mount but you hit the top string and make it bounce back down to land on the bottom string.


some people call it a buddha mont but the biggest tip when trying to get this trick is to get really good at 1.5


I keep going into the 1.5 :sweat_smile:
I’ll keep practicing:)


working on some behind the back and around the neck tricks


I can’t tell you anything YoTricks hasn’t but I’m working on that combo as well, having a good time with it too.


Just make sure you bring your hands together as the yoyo is on its way up.