I know I way behind on this, but I don’t think I saw anyone else give this tip for kwijibo. When you do the second pop into double or nothing, have your non throw hand palm facing up or inward rather than down. This helps with keeping your strings far apart. It allows the inner string to wrap patially around your hand while the outer string will be on you finger. I find with this technique it is very easy and you can even do the whole trick starting in double or nothing and going to triple. If what I tried to explain makes no sense I can do a video.
Oh! I can kind of picture it making sense in my mind but I think there are so many of us here on this thread stuck on Kwyjibo that would appreciate any help we can get.
Video please!
Alright Im at work though, so I’ll try to make a quick one within the hour.
I aim the slack way forward. I used to aim at the yoyo but once I started aiming what I felt like would be past the yoyo, I got more consistant. I keep my throw hand back and just fling the slack out there
Awesome thanks a lot! I’ll give this a try as I’m practicing tomorrow!
Ah I get it. Keep your hand at like the magic drop kind of hand angle. Perpendicular with the floor, thumbs up, palms facing each other etc.
I’m going to give this a go in the morning, suddenly can’t remember how my hands were before
Can you explain this a bit? What angles do you keep your hands in when doing magic drop? lol man I have a hard time with magic drops! I’m open to any and all suggestions on this one.
Keep your throw hand thumb straight up, or even pointed slightly out, it keeps the string pressed against the yo-yo so it rejects easier.
Point your throw hand finger outward (to the right if you’re right handed). It makes you feel dumb by how much easier it is that way.
Pointer finger
Awesome! Just the kind of tip and suggestion I’m looking for! Looking forward to giving this a try tomorrow :D. Thanks a lot man!
Watch out Gentry. You’ve got some serious competition heading your way!!
Looks like other people already answered this question.
I picked up the tip from a Brandon Vu video
I stumbled across a couple slacks I can build off of that I think are pretty cool. I’m hoping that I can make full tricks of them tomorrow.
It’s great when you learn new tricks just to get used to an idea/element or two and finally get those down to where they work their way into your own throwing and you can build with them.
Probably the best part of yoyoing imo.
I’ve been working on this for a while. I am so slow learning stuff but nevermind. For ages I was throwing the slack loop thingy forward over the yoyo and couldn;t work out what I was doing wrong, think I am getting it now. Nice to finally work on something a bit newer!
Anyone got any suggestions on what else I could learn? Mr Smileypants?
This has helped a lot! Thanks again for the suggestion!
Also, Hidemassa Hook is absolutely kicking my butt the last few days. /grrrr
I am trying to learn any trick that will allow me to do extremely complicated tricks without any practice at all.
So far; no luck.