What titanium yoyos are coming out this year?

So far, I’ve heard that the following companies are releasing titanium yoyos this year:

One Drop

Is the list above correct? Are there any companies that I missed out?

Thanks in advance for the help. :slight_smile:

I am pretty sure that AXIS is producing a titanium throw later this year called the SalTi. A titanium version of their Pulsefire models.

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Vosun too? oh I hope it’s time for a low cost titanium so I can finally own one… and ultimately spark one.


Heads up on the Rook drop today. Who’s copping? ;D

If I find a spare 100 dollar bill on the ground, then yes. Titanium is so expensive!

Oh, and whenever someone asks CLYW about titanium, they say that they’ve been thinking about one for a while. Take it as you will.

Amen to that

Being a supporter of 2Sick since the Gambit, I really really want to buy their Ti.
The main problem is cash and I already have a lot of Throws…

Axis yoyos, SalTi and 2Sicks Rook are the top Ti’s on my radar though. More so then any of the other companies from the past year. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t see myself being able to buy one at launch but I will keep supporting them however I can.
Keep it up guys your designs are killer!