What the best type of yoyo to do DNA?

I have seen everyone use many type of yoyo to do DNA then i think What the best type of yoyo to do DNA?

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I love my iceberg for doing the dna. If you want to do it like you see on YouTube, I recommend getting one with a finger spin dimple. Makes it so much easier. Of course it’s also a crutch if you want to do it on other yo-yos.

Shooting Star to learn. Once you can do it in that it’ll get easier on other throws.


any yoyo that has a dimple groove on the center works whether its made from metal or plastic (i.e skyva, new speedaholic, etc)

Anyone Think about the Hubstack yoyo? I think that a good type of yoyo for DNA.

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I tried. Yea it’s possible. But a fingerspin dimple is a lot easier.

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yeah i was thinking a shooting star or speedaholic xx

Watch the plastic yoyo review @LX_Emergency did. It may help you with your decision.


Throwback Winter solstice, C3YoyoDesign Speedaholic XX and Magic Yoyo Skyva

Shutter wide angle is one of my favorite style cups. So easy to lock your finger in.

I would steer clear of hubstacks or side effect yo-yos for finger spins. Doable but takes much more skill.

The Speedaholic xx is nifty for that

I learned DNA on a shooting star and it definitely is a beast for finger spins. One thing I noticed with the shooting star when I was learning was that I didn’t know you had to throw almost flat to get directly into the dimple. That kind of took me a little longer to master compared to my yoyos without a dimple. You can still miss the dimple and lock in by bending your finger lightly, but it isn’t as good as getting right into the dimple. Once I learned on that I could on all my other yoyos.

Yoyofactory’s new fingerspin caps make it way too easy to dna. American Liberte, Bettynova 2022 and Edgeless 2022 all have them. Betty nova and edgeless 2022 are both in stock here


I learned on a horizon. A big, wide, smooth convex makes it pretty easy. Horizon is very stable, which also helps.

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I honestly think a flat hub works just fine . Don’t put yourself in a box try it on all yo-yos

I only have the first version of the Horizon. I still have problems with finger spins on it.

Since I love how finger spins lock in on my Death Adder 2, I thought the Horizon I picked up would lock in the same.

Do side walls make a difference?

I don’t particularly care for how my YYF IQ finger spins but I seem to have more success of getting DNA with it.

Just throwing that out there.


Shooting star came out as the best fingerspin yoyo in my comparison.

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Topyo Mojo. It’s got a fingerspin dimple but the glossy plastic finish is also very “grabby” on the string so once the fingerspin is locked in, it’s very easy to get the DNA pattern going.

When someone requests DNA and I’ve had a few too many drinks to hit it on my daily yoyo, I cheat and reach for the Mojo.


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Any yo-yo with a Fingerspin groove will help A TON! - After that it really just comes down to preference on shape and color!

I like plastics like the Atom Smasher, Skyva, Shooting Star, and Speedaholic XX are all great!

Metals : BettyNova, Edgeless, are also great fingerspinning yoyos!

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