Any Buckethead song.
Drown in the Now - The Crystal Method and Matisyahu,
If i ever enter a contest, this is probably what I will be playing. ;D
this is a mlp song called luna’s luallby if you have not heard it, it is great if your a fast player or just love the show or metal and heres a link
Bubbles. Fire. Sand. Water. I hear nothing.
A lot of Motley Crue tonight
this guy’s cool points just went up by twenty thousand. That’s what I’m yoing to today. And dismember. They are an awesome older band.
Monstercat fo duh win breh. lol
Bunch of Rage Against the Machine songs for now.
The Weight - The Band/PATD.
Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Emerson Lake and Palmer? I love you even more now, Pajamaman 8398…Like, In a brotherly way, of course.
Right now, Simon And Garfunkel - The Boxer
Anything off the new green day album UNO! And feel good inc. by gorillaz