Just got a $100 Amazon gift card and would like to get a new yo-yo, but Amazon seems to be pretty limited to some mid level YYF stuff and and decent amount from ■■■■■■■’s store. Anyone got any suggestions for a nice throw or good deal that falls into those parameters?
Oops… is using another vendor’s name a no-no here? My bad.
Not sure exactly what you’re after but if you want a fun throw the freehand one is great
Yep it is…
Did a quick search and I saw a Duncan Grasshopper GTX on there. While it’s no GTR JS it’s probably the best bang for buck you’ll get in terms of performance/value. One of the most popular bimetals for sure.
Get a Duncan Exit 8, and a Big Fun. Great way to spend $100 easy.
They have other brands available like C3, Yoyorecreation, Yoyofriends, One Drop… You just gotta dig through all the sponsored search results to find ‘em.
Edit to answer “what should I buy?”: Buy a Legendary Terrarian.