What should I buy?

Just got a $100 Amazon gift card and would like to get a new yo-yo, but Amazon seems to be pretty limited to some mid level YYF stuff and and decent amount from ■■■■■■■’s store. Anyone got any suggestions for a nice throw or good deal that falls into those parameters?

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Oops… is using another vendor’s name a no-no here? My bad.

Not sure exactly what you’re after but if you want a fun throw the freehand one is great


Yep it is…

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Did a quick search and I saw a Duncan Grasshopper GTX on there. While it’s no GTR JS it’s probably the best bang for buck you’ll get in terms of performance/value. One of the most popular bimetals for sure.


Get a Duncan Exit 8, and a Big Fun. Great way to spend $100 easy.

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They have other brands available like C3, Yoyorecreation, Yoyofriends, One Drop… You just gotta dig through all the sponsored search results to find ‘em.

Edit to answer “what should I buy?”: Buy a Legendary Terrarian.

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