What should I buy today

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yoyofactory will be listing a bunch of new B-Grade throws on their site this Wednesday starting a 9am Mountain Standard Time. May want to see what they’ve got?

I LOVE shopping for new yos haha! It’s so damn fun! D Hope whatever you end up with, it’s as great as you’re hoping!!

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Edge beyond really is that good, take it from a competitive player and a chill player


Well, I ended up buying the Puff Adder, Marco, and Colossus IV. I really wanted a one drop somewhere in there, but I just couldn’t decide which one, and they all put me over budget. I came really close to subbing out the Marko for a Terrarium, but in the end I wanted a bi-metal. Thanks for the suggestions guys.


Also defending the Edge Beyond. It’s amazing. There isn’t a throw that I have that feels as good as this one does👌🏽


I may regret not getting the beyond. Guess I won’t know until I try it. I’ve already got the wedge and the Edge OG, so I mainly just wanted to branch out.

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