What’s the most fun yoyo you own?

For me it would be the Fair Trade Yoyos PV44. Thanks to its ‚Schwall‘ (Schmoove High Wall) it is very stable but easily correctable. Regens and rejections are an absolute blast. They feel easy and rewarding at the same time. Also the aesthetic is gorgeous because it’s classy looking and innovative all at once (I just love it when things are more than one thing at once :grin:).


I’m glad people are still appreciating this throw


Yeah, I for one appreciate the heck out of it on a nearly daily basis. The PV44 and also the Project Y are throws which will definitely never leave my collection. In general I find Fair Trade Yoyos to be criminally underrated because perfomance-wise they are top notch (not just for organic throws), feel-wise they are so very pleasing and comfortable and I also think with the ‚Schwall’ you guys brought something new to the table. So ‚Thank you very much‘ at this point for your great designs :pray:t4:


The Duncan Butterfly.

I’ve played unresponsive exclusively for a long time, but recently I’ve been bored with it. So, I’ve started playing 0A. I’ve always admired what Ed Haponik does. I always list him in my top 5 favorite throwers. It just wasn’t my thing. I wanted to put all my free time into 1A. I’ve really been enjoying 0A.

Everyone knows what a Duncan Butterfly is. I had one when I was a kid. When people see you throwing it, they know what you’re working with. They can be found in stores. They are cheap. They are not the “best”, but they play pretty well. Nostalgic. Classic.

Right now, all I want to throw is a Butterfly. I want to see what I can do with one, and how far I can take it. I’m really excited about throwing again, and it feels good.


@fatguysnacks247 is the man behind the magic. I’d love to see us come back


thank you @Thruwell ! we really appreciate your feeedback and that you enjoy our throws…. i’ve been on a bit of a hiatus, but i really want to get something new out to you cats. our last proto is still ready to go…. we appreciate you all!


diffusion 2, golyat, classic, and fh nxt gen.

All of them.


Definitely my favorite throw from one drop. This is a masterpiece and It’s hard to imagine a better mini throw.


YYF Shutter. It’s good enough in all areas a yoyo is judged and it’s easy enough to come by - which means, I throw it more and with a lot less care, and as a result - have more fun.

Honorable mention to my recently purchased Atmos Snowberry. Fun and floaty.


In my opinion the Good life Breeze is so fun because i can land every trick on it most of the time. And also the freehand mini is so fun. :yo-yo:

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Bro. The 420. The biggest floppiest sturdiest slow motion floatiest absolute most casual yoyo I own.

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I change my answer to two Hades.


Love to see this thread being brought back to life!

After having played with many different yo-yos since this thread started, I’d have to say my top 3 funnest yo-yos in no particular order are: Mowl Obsession+, Wildwood Gnomad, and MK1 RBC.


The weekender is the funnestest


My Lilith wizard takes top spot currently, and I just have to say it cuz it’s undeniable the aluminum koi is a blast yo play with. It’s got such a different feeling on the string, it just bounces off the string and floats thru the air in a way that feels extremely fun and satisfying. But I would agree with the notion that it’s whichever Yoyo I’m currently playing with cuz they are all so fun


My Draupnir brings a smile to my face every time I play it.

Does that make it “fun”? Or, does a “fun” yo-yo have to be a crappy yo-yo that I like to play for some reason other than it’s performance?


I would have to say my RBC and hubstack Confusion


I love my yyf axolotl!
It’s really fun and insane for finger spins


If you have fun with it it’s fun for you