What is your favorite throw?

What are your favorite throws for string tricks? Grinds? Finger spins?

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There isn’t such a thing as “the best yoyo”, it’s really up to personal preference.


Well then what do you personally prefer?


One Drop Top Deck, Recess Little League, Recognition, YYF KO. I get sick of my current favorites at times and pick up different yoyos and they become my favorites for the day or week. Sometimes trying a new type of string turns a so-so yoyo into my favorite for a few days. I tend to not think in terms of “my favorite” anymore. Oh, I never even tried finger spins or grinds as they never interested me in the slightest.



I have love for all my throws!

That being said…

If i have to choose favorites, i think the Retic Death Adder v2 w/ Tangerine Slicc from BadWolfe would be right there, along with the YoYoFriends Magpie w/ Platinum DS bearing. YoYoRecreation Mr Butcher and Anomoly are right up there too.

I have several throws that get the favorite status from week to week but the above are perennial favorites.

Enjoy the throw my friends

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For competition/performance oriented throwing: Duncan GTR-JS. For casual fun, One Drop Panorama/Diorama.


This is hard to answer really. for 1A string tricks, right now my favorites are boltXP ( half spec c), freehand one, freehand one AL small bearing, and freehand one AL with a half spec C. also butterfly AL full spec C.

for 0A, butterfly xt, saber raider , legend wing…

Got lots of other throws that are pretty great, this is just what’s been in my pocket last couple months consistently.


I’m a big fan of One Drop. I have about 20 modern yo-yos and like their Deep State the best for responsive and their VTWO the best for unresponsive. I’ve heard good things about the Panorama, but haven’t gotten my hands on one yet. Those are my tops I’d say, but I don’t dislike any of my throws and switch it up quite a bit. It depends on the day, really. I like them all for different reasons. The only one I’m not crazy about (but have come around to) is the yoyofriends Baryon. It plays like a rock.