JUst got the iyoyo passion. and I L O V E it. comes responsive with a longer axel and wide bearing if u want to change the play. It is quick, smooth, small size which i like, nice colours.
Butterfly XT is worth considering as well. It’s pretty responsive if you want to do more string tricks also but for stall type play I love it.
Respawn is I also one of favorites.
Deepstate / Reapawn / Burner
The Weekender straight from Doc Pop and a lubed Moonshine 2 are amazing. Confusion is great too, Confusion GT is good once you lube it up. As for the C size bearing yoyos, since the C size bearing is larger it is a little worse for responsive I feel like but the Deeper State has an axle system where you can add a slim bearing and shorter axle, I am sure after some lube it would be a really fun responsive metal yoyo similar to the Butterfly AL. One of my main throws for 0A is a Slim Dunk with lubed slim C bearing and the Zodiac is surprisingly fun with a lubed slim C bearing too! The original Moonshine is a C bearing so I think it is a little worse for responsive compared to the Moonshine 2. I wish I had an Alleycat 650b, Sherpa, Alleycat, and Day Tripper because I either own the rest or haven’t heard of them HOWEVER
I am a little surprised the Zodiac doesn’t get any attention. It is very stocked and cheap
Because of your brand preferences I think the Weekender should be in your future! Besides, it is the best for 0A in my opinion from what I have tried and tuned for it. If you were going for 1A it would be a different story altogether tho!
@sakatuca nice to see you on the YYE forums, hopefully we’ll see you on the #thingsthatrepeat - The Repeater Thread soon. Really enjoying the Panorama.
The iYoYo PASSiON really get overlooked. It’s a fantastic responsive yoyo, especially if you want something metal.
The response level is just right for beginners, easy tug response even at slow RPMs. That’s where some others miss the mark and will only really work for advanced players who have a strong throw.
Thank you for your support!!
I’m soooooo glad;)
The zodiac was one of first purchases. I feel like it’s not high walled enough to be good for 0A but it’s too responsive for real 1A. It’s kind of in the middle, but that’s okay I guess. It’s fun to throw, and it’s like GLASS smooth and quiet on the string, even when you really whip it. So overall I’m glad I have it but I think it has a bit of an identity crisis.
It is a challenge, but I learned if I land the stalls with the right checkmark shape with my string it will land every time! The kickflip trick I think its called, may be damn near impossible though because it is kinda unstable on stalls
I really love my PASSiON, its an absolute monster as unresponsive in addition to being a great responsive yoyo.
Yeah I get that. To be fair I put in my closet about 2 months ago because I got some fancier throws I wanted to practice 1A with. But I’ll have to dig it out and string it up now that I’ve had a few months worth of practice. Thanks for your insight! I mostly use my respawn for 0A and it’s fantastic. Probably the nicest yoyo I own so far as far as fit and finish go.
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