What’s a good trick to learn after Spirit Bomb and Tsunami Bomb?

I only finally understood spirit bomb on the third time trying to learn it. Some tricks just bounce off my brain the first time (and sometimes the second! maybe more! imagine…) so I save them to a youtube playlist and go try something else.

I have been addicted to Elden Ring since the dlc came out so forgive me for the comparison, but progressing in that game involves a lot of exploring. If you are struggling, that means you probably are’t exploring enough and got tunnel-visioned on something you might not be quite ready for.

I think this applies to yoyo as well, because I have yoyobrain and can compare anything with it. You’ve got all kinds of different mounts and elements that can be combined in seemingly infinite ways. If something’s really giving you trouble just come back to it later. You may find it extremely easy when you come back with more skills.


Very true. When I first started throwing I tried skin the gerbil so many times and the yoyo would always die out. Then I slowly started learning all the fundamental tricks. Decided to try skin the gerbil a few months later and it was no problem.


Just wanted to come here and say that after a week of practicing, multiple hours a day, I just landed Superman! It was not pretty, it was not fluid, but it was landed. Now to try an land it consistently…