What other hobbies do you guys do?

I read a lot when I can, but I don’t really count that as a hobby.
I like comic books, I’m a Marvel girl mostly. Spider-man and X-men are my favorite.

Mostly though I like art. I’m going into Graphic Design, so I get to feel productive (most of the time). I’m never as good as I’d like to be, but I know I’m getting better. I love the times that I can connect art with yoyos because art, well I don’t think I could stop if I tried. Unfortunately my notes can attest to that.

Can we see a picture of your pens? Please!
Do you work with dip pens at all?
I have one fountain pen at home and then a new one here (currently at college in a dorm). School gets out in a couple of weeks and when I’m home I plan on messing around with those and the few dip pens that I have. I’m afraid of getting ink all over and staining the desk here.
Edit: I also notice that if I don’t use my fountain pen for a while the ink will dry out. Does this happen to you?

hmmmmm my guess is you like to…I don’t know… :smiley: :DLOL

That was cool how fast you solved that cube.

Bro, who drinks water? Since when do we need the “hydrogen” and “oxygen” anymore? I think it’s a waste, you should drink mountain dew. SOOO good for you.

  • fountain pens
  • ukulele
  • Magic: the Gathering
  • hiking
  • cycling

But my main interest lays in custom knives.   :-X

i build computers, act and sing!

Those look really cool. I likes a lot.

Gaming (mostly racing and rpg), skiing, calculator progam building, sleeping, hunting, fishing, kite flying, robot building, dirt biking, longboarding, model UN, short wave radio(recieve only) ameteur radio (mostly for hunting) and cb-ing etc. (all relitavely easy to do if you read and understand the manuals), and almost anyting else electronic(if you can’t tell I have no social life outside school)

@abby1371 the certification looked like alot of work.
Oh and best of luck with your radios, it’s a dying art to know how to fix and build them.

It really is! Actually they are quite practical. My best ride was from Norwood to Gateway Colorado, about 70 miles.

Cars, video gaming, some coding. Probably some other stuff I can’t think of

I do play basketball, but I’m mainly a golfer.

We’re a rare breed. I’m a huge Visconti fanboy. The Visconti Opera Master is probably the pride and joy of my collection.

Yeah, the ink will dry out if you don’t use it for a while. How long really depends on the pen, ink and nib combination. I do have a couple of dip pens but I only really use those to test out new inks. I’ll snap a few more photos when I get home but for now, here’s a pic of my aforementioned pride and joy, my Visconti Opera Master:



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Yeah! We get it from the air. Why do we need any liquid other than Mountain Dew or Coffee. I like me some Coffee

no not really my dad has an extra class license and hes teaching me and most of it is just learning the language and just thinking logic its easier than you think. plus you only get 30 of the possible 200 questions the show in the packet so like i said pretty easy.

Aside from yoyos, I do a lot of music stuff - I play Guitar, Bass and Drums and am in a couple of bands. I also do archery, horseback riding, cycling and am a very amateur cuber (best time around 2 minutes for a 3x3).