i am going to get a new yoyo for 4a and ok for 1a i am it is big yo vs hayabusa i want ur opinion on what is best i am thinking hayabusa(for now)
pls post thx! ;D
Seeing your Favorite yo-yos, I’d say you should go for the Protostar. Seems to be the biggest out of it all and since you like the legacy, thought you might like this one.
definitely the die-nasty for me. counter attack is fine, but a bit sluggish. die-nasty plays incredible with silicone and is the perfect weight for me. plus it looks killer.
PGM V2 is already stacked. No options.
pgm is a great yoyo. well balenced and worth the price
another option
yyj big yo
(i might start 4a)
Lol lots of options.
If you want to start 4A go and get the Big YO (i’ve also heard great things of the Duncan Hayabusa)
The big Yo has large gap for easy catch…you porbably already know all of this
going back to the protostar. it may be large but the shape is totally different. you may not want it, but just saying, it is a good player
PGM- Great choice. good balance, and you will get the hub stack stage out before it even begins. mine had all 3 bearings malfunction but i still thought it was amazing. (after replacing the C sized. i just took off the hubstacks)
Bigyo- 4A is fun and hard to learn at first. you will regret buying this yoyo at first, then when you consistantly start catching it, you will love it. i also use it for 1A just for fun. i love the reactions. but even though it is so large, it plays great.
i haven’t tried counter attack or die-nasty
so which would YOU recomend?
pgmv2 ALL THE WAY!!!
i added a poll so pls vote!
It doesn’t really seem like you are ready to get a new yoyo. You’ve changed your mind on all of the choices before you have gotten too much advice at all.
However, I think the current answer is pretty straightforward:
If you want to start 4A, get the BigYo
If you want to keep doing 1A, get the DieNasty
If you want to keep doing 1A, and want hubstacks, get the PGMv2
u are right i am not getting the yoyo soon because if i get the pmg i have to wait 3 months(10$ per month) but i am thinking big yo since i want to start 4a and a lot of people say the hub stacks get boring too bad they dont make synergy caps for the big yo lol
off topic: what yoyo replaced the aquarius for 4a?
No yoyo has replaced the Aquarius yet.
Hubstacks do get pretty boring, but some people like them.
ok i looked up the hayabusa (i already knew about hayabusa) so now it is YYJ BIG YO V.S. DUNCAN HAYABUSA!! ya i know alot of options hurry and reply i only have 2 months!
ummmm…ok…ok…ahhhh I can’t think under pressure!!!
The Duncan Hayabusa is more beginner offstring friendly. Even though the catch space isn’t as big, the Hayausa won’t snag as much as the Big Yo with a weak throw.
The Big Yo has a huge catch space but will snag with a weak throw.
I recommend getting the Hayabusa if you’re getting a yoyo now, or practicing with some other yoyo you have lying around, improving your offstring throw, and then getting the Big Yo.
ummm so embarrassing i am thinking about the hayabusa, throw monkey, or flying panda :-[

ummm so embarrassing i am thinking about the hayabusa, throw monkey, or flying panda :-[
those are good offstring yoyos.
I just like the Hayabusa out of those three more cuz the Hayabusa has no friction stickers yet still provides great response. so no replacing anything yay!!!
i think i will go with throw monkey because it comes with a counter weight :Pand has good specs (for me) to do 1a 4a 5a
can someone post a pic of the throw mokey and hayabusa side by side
changed poll! pls vote
can u post how well those yoyos do in 1a and 4a