What makes your favorite yoyo your favorite yoyo?

As the title says, What makes your favorite yoyo your favorite yoyo?

I’ll start!

My favorite yoyo of all time is the 5050.

I love how light and easy to move it is, and how full it feels in the hand from the large width, but still somewhat small because of the diameter.


Klondike still holds the record for me as my all time favorite yoyo for the longest amount of time.

I love how it still somehow retains a bit of the feel of a classic mid-school throw while still being a competition focused bimetal. There’s something innately “classic CLYW” feeling about it, but it still brings the heat compared to other purely performance oriented yoyos. Is it the BEST yoyo I’ve ever used? No, but it’s definitely my favorite and the one I still keep coming back to - it’s just got that goldilocks feel. It’s the one that feels like home.


I see so much love for the Klondike, I really hope to try one some day


So far my favorite is throw is the Recess Joyride, just has this nice smooth, flows kind of feeling. It was the first throw that was like “oh wait now THIS feels different” and I just couldn’t put my finger on why it just felt so good. It’s likes eager to do tricks and feels comfortable.
I love my TP as well, that one has a lot of power and is controllable and predicable, but the joyride just has some different fun factor. It also just has a cool sound to it on string lol


My favorite yo-yo out of all my tonnage of yo-yos has got to be the Luftverk 000.

I remember, I didn’t get one when they dropped. I thought to myself, OK, an organic titanium yo-yo, what’s new?

I think it was in the first few weeks at one of the guys mentioned he really liked the yo-yo, but the edges of the yo-yo were really sharp.

I went back to the product page, and Jeffrey explained that he wanted basically to produce a high-performance, No frills yo-yo. So I’m guessing that the sharp edges were part of the no-frills package. That was his vision. If he started rounding things and doing smoove grooves and whatever else, That would kind of defeat the original ‘basic’ yoyo concept.

At that point, I had to buy a triple 0, just to see How sharp the edges were?

Now I gotta say sharp edges or sharp edges. But what I found interesting is sharp titanium edges just seem a little sharper than sharp edges on other metal yo-yos, L O L.

The edges on the 000 seemed sharp enough to scrape the barnacles off the hole of a yacht in dry dock.

The yo-yo played very well indeed, and more often than not I didn’t really pay attention to the edges. I shrugged my shoulders, and I thought I must be either too particular to preoccupied or just plain, forcing myself to not like those edges.

Then about a week later, on a very, very cold morning, at least out where I live, I got stupid and decided to throw the yo-yo outside while I was waiting for a friend. I was doing Eli hops to see how many I could do in a row? Something distracted me in the yo-yo came down in the edge of 1/2 smacked me right on top of the knuckles.

So early in the morning, I’m not saying that I was half asleep. But it hurts so bad. I could’ve been in a coma and I still would’ve woken up screaming.

I noticed that when I hold a stock 000 in my hand, if I squeeze it like a door knob for around 10 seconds and then release the yo-yo, I can actually see grooves in the palm of my hand.

Any yo-yo will leave some type of imprint in your hand if you squeeze it hard enough. But very few will eat very sharp defined grooves in your hand like a 000.

Obviously, this is very little if anything to do with the way it actually plays. But it has to do very much with the way it feels in the hand and at those times when it comes back quick or at a funny angle and smack the crap out of part of your body.

So I had this great idea. Known to very few people nowadays, but in years past, I actually modded a few yo-yos… Or maybe a few thousand… Just to see what the hell would happen?

So I decided, since I already paid 300 bucks or whatever for the 000, it was mine, and if I wanted to do bad things to it, I certainly could.

So I chucked up the halves, one at a time, And just rounded those sharp outer edges until I was happy.

I threw the yo-yo around for around 15 or 20 minutes. That was a long time ago.

I currently have at least 4 000’s? I’m pretty sure I have five, but I haven’t been able to find the other raw one as of yet?

To have been rounded, the others are just new in the box on standby so to speak. As old as I am, I doubt I have enough time left in my life to even wear out one much less too of the 000 yo-yos. But I ran into a few more as guys on the forum needed money more than you needed yo-yos so I helped them out in a win-win situation. They got money they needed, and I got yo-yos that I liked.

The 000 is absolutely my favorite all-time yo-yo.

That being said, I seldom even throw my original anymore. Because when I do here and there, I don’t wanna throw my other yo-yos around because it spoils me, lol…

What I really find interesting and comfortable about the 000, I will give a little parallel two years ago when I used to build hot rods

So you’re building a 55 Chevy and you get to the point of where you’re working on the interior amenities and performance features. You sit in the car to give it a test drive you fall right into that pocket seat and it’s just at the right height. You hold onto that steering wheel and it’s just up the right height and the right ankle and the right distance from your chest. You start the car and you reach for that Hurst shifting lever. It’s right where you want it to be not too close and not too far. And the shifting pattern is nice and tight just the way you want it. The gas pedal is just at the right distance from your foot. Your knees not in your chest and your legs not fully straightened. It’s just right. And when you pull away from the curb lead about 2 pounds of rubber on the asphalt, you nod your head and you say oh yeah this is good.

That’s the same feeling I get when I string up a 000 and start throwing it around. It seems to feel just the way I wanted to feel, does just what I wanted to do and keeps me smiling. Everything seems like it’s in the right place, including my attitude.


I’ve got two favs right now:

The G2 Pilgrim and the Dressel Emotion.


What make them your favorites?


The Pilgrim is comfortable. Something about how it feels in the hand and on the string. it has a very satisfying bind and a beautiful Candy Storm colorway.

The Emotion is rock solid, and I feel like I just play better when using it. Everything about it feels great, and I can’t find myself really complaining about it. My only minor gripe is that it’s purple! Of course it’s one of my favorite colors, but that beautiful blue/grey fade was my color-of-choice and was gone when my wife was xmas shopping last year :smiley:

I will say that I’ve tried two throws recently that came CLOSE to these two, for very different reasons. The TRT Buoy, which is just another great and comfortable throw, and the MK1 Spyglass, which felt so solid and compact.


All time fav is the tankette. I love the weight, and it helps with techy and slacky tricks, which are my favorite types of tricks. Because of the weight, it is easy to move around in complex mounts.


Gravity holds this spot for me.

While there is a ton of sentimental value with it, I just can’t believe how indestructible it is. The shape and durability of the titanium are weathered for sure, she’s taken many a good hit, we now have a nice curated patina.

The different configs you can set up are fun although I really just use one, brass SE, no caps or rings. Caps are fun, but I like thumb grinds better. Rings play, but I like the Ting better.

Side effects are hands down my favorite bearing seat. The haves just come apart and go together so easy. There’s zero chance of cross threading the yoyo too garbage. :yo-yo:

While I am not an old-school thrower, I have to imagine this was the playfield and form factor they were after. An indestructible, configurable, pocketable yoyo that spins forever (DS Bearing not included).

After all this, Gravity is still smooth as day one. Kind of.

Praise to Round Spinning Object and atmos projects. @lytelvin @rnsy


The shutter wide angle

Because its wide

Just like in the name :wink:


I had my pristine 000 in hand for dinner at a bar, all alone (traveling for work). Cute bartender said,”that is so cool, can I try?” As I was in a trance, handing it over, trying to explain responsive vs unresponsive, she strung it up without a slip knot. 000 went flying across the cement floor tinging all the way. IT WAS SO LOUD! The whole restaurant went silent!!

We picked it up and 000 survived pretty well with only a slight notch in one of those sharp rims.


It was never the same for me. I held on to it for a while for the story but ultimately I couldn’t get passed the knick (BST). However slight it was, it just interrupted that oh so perfect line that was the sharpest of edges that defined 000.

I’ll grab one down the line but she needs to be crisp!

Love me some 000!


I like to put favorites into categories:

Plastic: Doc Pop DIY
Delrin: RCS Punk
Monometal AL: Markmont Classic
Bimetal: Yoyofriends Da Vinci
Steel: DD Assassin 2.0
Titanium: iYoyo Titanic
Tri-Material: DD Connection

They all have their own characteristics that make them my favorites. MMC has a soda blast finish and side effects, Assassin is an undersized monster, Da Vinci is like a slightly smaller Klondike with the same power.


Right now the atmos butterball has my heart. It’s round, its fun and it plays good. Idk im a sucker for a good organic and the butterball is a really good organic.

I’m hoping the YYBC operator will replace this and when I get my workhorse back I’m hoping to rekindle that spark but until then butterball!!!


Butterball is good enough to compete with, I’m certain. Plays on a rail and spins like no tomorrow. Touch it in play, no worry, just keeps going!

Playing mine as we post.

@Siggy-06 DaVinci is tops for sure.


Hades is my favorite Yoyo by far for both 1A and 3A.

I love how ridiculously stable it is and that it spins forever. I love that it wants to be thrown hard like very hard and spins so well when it is thrown super hard. The Yoyo is also ridiculously resilient if I mess up and hand bump, especially the Aliyah tan colorway with the blasted rims but even the other ones with glossy rims still barely care and will just keep spinning. The larger diameter also fits my hands better than yo-yos with smaller diameter and the rounded semi organic shape is very comfortable. The Yoyo is also super easy to control. Not in the way of lots of quick redirects bc it doesn’t do great with that but does help with a ton of difficult slacks where you need to move the Yoyo slower with delicacy and precision. Basically, the heftier weight, allows for greater precision imo

It’s also not too insanely rim weighted and feels much lighter than the 80.2g total mass. Doesn’t feel very reluctant which is kind of crazy to me. The thicker than minimum walls and larger diameter help with that I’m sure. Also the Yoyo is ridiculously durable and can withstand brutal treatment while staying fully functional and smooth (ish)

Idk it’s just the Yoyo I pick up the most. Also it’s pretty like nice lines and cuts and shape and good colors.


My favorite yoyo is the “Freehand One”, because it truly is as good as you are. Using an FH1 is almost like a skill check. Not to mention the nostalgia, and history behind it. And even modding potential! (Though nothing beats a stock FH1)… p.s. I’m still kind of mad that my brother broke mine…


Miracle 2025. Don’t ask me why but that yo-yo is awesome. Great body, smooth and competition ready. I mean, It’s Mir and Miris Signature model right? This yo-yo helps me in anything competitive, I will be using it in other comps such asMX nats.


i love the sengoku shinobi because it feels like a rock on the end of the string, but in the most satisfying way. when you throw it, you can feel it come to a complete stop at the end of the string, and you just intuitively know that all of that energy just got transferred to it’s spin, and you can just feel the power in it. plus, the shape is one of my favorites, and even thought it’s small and dense, it feels floaty because of just how stable it is. despite this, you can also definitely feel it’s presence on the string, but again, because of how much angular momentum it’s got, it just feels unreal. also, the finish is so smooth that i can even grind it on rubber, and it’s durable enough that i’ve smashed it into the ground on accident multiple times and theres still no vibe.

portability wise, because it’s so compact, it fits in even the tightest pockets, and because the catch zone is so wide, it still plays like a full size throw. an unintended side effect is that it is not the most comfortable throw by far, but this just means that, yet again, you can tell that this object is meant for just one thing, that being spinning. also, the wide catch zone means that it is extremely easy to pick out knots.

finally, the lines on it are absolutely beautiful. the m shape, the slight curves on the outer rim, the minimal use of lines, and the engraving on the cup, the slightest hint of a fingerspin dimple all make this yoyo feel like a truly luxury item. i love it.

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id love to say that my favorite is some super fast bi metal comp focused powerhouse, but if I’m truly honest, the yoyo i reach for the most and which brings me the most joy is my panorama. i love the organic shape. i love that it’s narrow but still wide enough to be fully capable without being frustrating. i love that it has side effects for when I’m feeling froggy. its a perfect size to weight ratio for really fun causal throwing. it challenges me in a way that is very satisfying to succeed and makes me want to try harder when i fail. it’s the first yoyo I’ve considered buying a backup of because i can’t imagine not having one. it hits just right :call_me_hand::fire::space_invader: