Alright. I see how much this means to you. You’re 15 right? Or 16? Something like that… But anyways, can’t you just buy high ends yourself? I’m sure you have some sort of job, if not you probably could without too much trouble and buy them yourself. Unless your parents don’t let you, which is understandable.
If this is really you’re only chance to get a high end metal until like… You move out… haha, then here’s some stuff I think you might like based on what you said.
The Chief, Summit, and Cascade.
The Chief. The most stable yoyo Ive ever thrown… Possibly the longest spinning as well. It is truly an amazing throw. It can also play on the faster side if you want it to, but not too fast, which is what you like as you’ve stated. This can do that for you. However, this yoyo is “too” stable in my opinion. I mean, not too stable, because on my eyes, nothing can be too stable
it definitely is stable enough to kind of do the work for you, which you said you didn’t want. Personally, I think that makes it even better, but I can see why people don’t like that. So, that’s up to you. A bonus, absolutely amazing at grinds. I could get 4-5 second finger grinds and 8 second thumb grinds with this thing.
The Summit. Another amazing throw. This one is also long spinning, but I feel the Chief is a little longer spinning. This is a throw that can go slow and flowy or fast based on your style. Can’t go that fast though, but still on the faster side if you push it. A little slower than the Chief. This one’s also a little less stable than the Chief. So you still get the feel of controlling it yourself and not letting it do it for you. It is still very stable though. This is an ideal choice based on your preferences.
The Cascade. My PERSONAL favorite of the 3. Still got a long spin time, but a little less than the above two. Also the fastest of the 3, and I love fast throws, so it fits me well. Still fairly stable, but a little less stable than the above 2. However, this is what gives it character, which is what I think you’re looking for. It’s fast, and not rock stable to give it character. This is the combination I think you’re looking for and is what I would recommend most for you.
One more yoyo I want to throw out. The KLR… If you can find one.
The KLR is the most well rounded yoyo I’ve ever played in my opinion. It can play on the slower side, or on the faster side. It’s a little floaty as well. It’s a little more stable than the Summit, but still less stable than the Chief. Fitting your preferences, this thing can go on the faster side if you want it to as well… The KLR is also a monster at all grinds. Finger, thumb, palm, you name it. It’s great for fingerspins as well. It also has spikes that are fairly sharp so you can do matador if you like that. I’m no good at 5a but with my VERY limited knowledge I can see it’s good for 5a. I can’t do 3a whatsoever but I think it would be good for that too, but don’t quote me on that. Very well rounded.
So… I’ll leave you with that. In my opinion, get the Cascade if you don’t do 5a, don’t do much grinds, fingerspins, matador, etc. Get the KLR(if you can find one) if you want a well rounded yoyo that can truly do everything.