How long does your yoyo spin?

Ever just do a sleeper and time how long it goes before it dies? Everyone throws differently and what not so there’s that and bearings are shitty and good so there’s that and flat vs concave/centering so there’s that…but are there really throws that spin forever and throws that just suck?

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Yoyo that sucks: MagicYoYo K-1 - ~6 seconds
Yoyo that rules: One Drop VTWO - 11+ minutes

I think sleeper time does not matter.
By todays standard, most metal yoyo can do a 1min routine without regen.

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About 10 seconds.


Reminds me of this video:

As I understand it, the main things that matter for spin time are: how straight your throw is, how much power you can put into it, how clean the bearing is, and the yoyo’s quality. Maybe someone else can speak to bearing quality vs. yoyo quality - I don’t know much about this?

I definitely know that as I’ve been getting better at throwing strong, and better at throwing straight, though, my spin time increases - and I’m almost to the point of not really caring about it because it lasts long enough to try anything I need to. Right now my yoyo generally always dies because I’ve messed up on a trick, not because it’s stopped on its own.


I was curious about throws performance most of my throws start tilting at 1

You should adjust your string (twist clockwise or counterclockwise) to avoid tilting if you do a sleeper.

I was going to call bs, but apparently the world record is 30 minutes with a C3 yoyo. I’d like to see a video though.

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I haven’t really measured but I can go for a better part of a minute off of a crappy throw screwing up a trick repeatedly before I have to bind. And even then, depending on the yoyo and how clean/good the bearing is, I usually have some juice in the tank.

As others have said, though, that aspect isn’t really what I focus on. Most modern yoyos—especially metal and bimetal ones—spin gud for long enough.

Most yoyos now days will spin over 4 or so minutes. I think my longest spinning one is my Sengoku shogun at around 8 minutes