What is your very first yoyo?

Duncan metal drifter.
I returned it in like 4 days, I thought it sucked.
Then I got a yomega xodus 2, learned up to split the atom and mach 5.
Then, I realized I can buy yoyos where I live, so I got a onestar and I thought it was the best yoyo ever, then I got a metal. (YYF supernova)

It doesn’t “suck” really.

I put only one silicone sticker and a Center Trac in mine, I really liked it.

The Onestar is really good to me though :slight_smile:

I was a beginner, I was expecting a lot from a $20 throw. Plus mine was unresponsive, so I have loads of more fun with a responsive yoyo. I bet if I tried a metal drifter today, I would appreciate it more.

Speed Beetle. I was digging through my uncles stuff and I found it. I’d throw my grandpa’s old imperial once or twice before so I knew how to throw but this speed beetle really got me into it. And before long I had a dragonfly. Then my uncle gave me his Lyn Fury and I got hooked.

My first yoyo was the yomega raider.
My first advanced yoyo was the General Yo Entheos :slight_smile: