What is your real name?

Slade Riggs. Like that’s a big shocker, hehe.

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I believe it.

I’ve met you. :wink:

My name is Guy Smith. Its on my birth certificate, its no joke. I love my name, it being as generic as possible makes it unique.

Oh hello my name is:
The Doctor

Guy is a pretty common name in French-speaking Canada. Except they pronounce it “Gee” with a hard “G” (as in “Google”).

Not too uncommon in the UK, either, but pronounced as “guy”.

Man, i wish my name was fred, bob, or joe. Sigh…

could be your nickname -v(o.o)v-

Lol my nicname is sheldon.

What was that Bob!! I couldn’t hear you over all this nickname you just got!!!

My nickname is either Urkel, Ulmer, or Ulmo

How’s you get those nicknames? I don’t have a nickname it’s just Daniel. I was bob and put different ‘nicknames’ on cups (Zing, Bob, Leinad)but never caught. No big deal though I like Daniel. Oh and my video game name is normally Leinad (lee-i-nod)

Well, I am a legit nerd(Urkel), Ulmer’s my last name, and there was a kid in my JROTC squadron who looked like Bert from Sesame Street, and since I have the energy of Elmo,he combined that with Ulmer, and out came Ulmo

“Anything but Sue…”, ehhh.

YOU mean to tell me you don’t go by GambinoGirl!!! MIND BLOWN!!!

YYE is the only place I use it; my fave rapper is Childish Gambino and his girl fans are Gambino Girls.14 is the year I graduate high school…

Bond, James Bond.

Well nice to meet you Urkel handshake

Sorry I’m not good with names

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