What is your real name?

I cannot reveal my secret identity, because if i do, then my arch-nemesis will be able to manipulate me with my friends and family.

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Daniel K. </classified/>. 14


Iā€™m Ian Stewart. From San Antonio, Texas. You may know me as Exponential Vivisection, my almost complete one man band. Still writing songs, but heyā€¦Metal heads need love too. \M/

I love 4A and 1A yo-ing.
I used to wrestle for Theodore Roosevelt High School. Graduated 2012 as Magna Cum Laud. And I could care less bout stalkersā€¦Itā€™s Texas, we are known as a gun happy state for a reasonā€¦And so are our neighbors. Trust me, we look out for each other.

Lolā€¦Youtube must be the new Facebookā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

I am Brandon Ray Bole, born October 18 1986. I like long walks on the beach and petting my cat Artie here. Add me on facebook if you want \brandonbole. I donā€™t give 2 hoots or a holler of these Internet stalkers. I have no bank account nor credit have funā€¦ lol

lol, I like that approach to life. My name is really Indigo Montoya, you killed my father. Now prepare to die!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

hate to burst your bubble but itā€™s Inigo. Not Indigo. haha, Love that movie.

Arnett Root
baltimore Md. area
47yrs 147lbs love chaseing old women to old to catch them and to ugly for them to chase me.
all well i still have yoyos they like me


Pat Mehiny


Adam. Most of u guys knew thatā€¦

Max Power

I am Gutierrezā€¦Laugh with me, Laugh with me!!!

I thought your name was randy savageā€¦

Phillip Latio.


Spencer Reynen
Bakersfield, CA

Ann Shawannaļ»æ Bufanza Queen DaLaFanda Delarequandra LaKeisha Bonisha Tisha Bufan Trella Niquandrea

Wow, your drivers license must be like a foot wide!

Not pat condon?