what is your most stupidest thing that you guys did in yoyoing?

I think LinksLegionaire wins this one.


Offstring over concrete with a popstarā€¦ I missed the first catch.

agreed to the max.

Haha I felt pretty dumb.

But it was already pretty beat up so I didnā€™t care.

hahahahahaha you win xD

^ ^ ^
This times a million! ;D

This is an embarrassing story, but Iā€™ll tell it. It has to do with moding a yoyo when I was maybe just 1 month into yoyoing (uh ohā€¦)

So I started at the beginning of the Summer of 2011. Exactly June 1st. I ended up getting a Journey from a local store here in Chicago b/c my starter yoyo (Metal Drifter) was messed up because I was fiddling with it (I obviously didnā€™t learn my lesson, as youā€™re about to see). I had also ordered a Dark Magic 2 from YYE. But at this point, I had been yoyoing hours a day and needed something to throw.

So I get this YYJ Journey, and itā€™s playing great. Real nice for where I was on Andreā€™s trick ladder. But then, I start perusing the forums wondering if I could make this thing play better. I saw this guy posting FHZs with metal weight ring mods on them, and thought ā€œOh, thatā€™s pretty cool. I could probably do that with my Journey.ā€

So, having NO UNDERSTANDING of average yoyo mass, I head out to Home Depot to buy some washers and super glue to mod my Journey with. I found metal washers that I thought fit into the Journey nice (why care about the weight? Right? If it fits, it must be good!) .This was the result:

Just gross. Moreover, the washers were WAY heavy. The mass of the yoyo, I would have to say might have been like 200-300 grams ā€“ thatā€™s like 4-5 Chiefs. It was like a boulder on the end of a stringā€¦ with a vibe of like 22 out of 10 ā€“ just ridiculous wobble.

That was the day that I learned that you shouldnā€™t mod your yoyo unless you know what youā€™re doing. :slight_smile:

Oh, another time was the day I got my first 4a yoyo, I was messing around doing some simple whips. I was practicing downward whips. Well, the good news is that I caught the yoyo. The bad news is that I must have been a little overzealous with my whip. The string kept traveling downwards and towards meonce it caught the yoyo and hit me square in the ā€“ well, you know.

So thereā€™s that.

The second time this lovely girl cane to my apartment, I was throwing my Irving pro and we were chatting and it was nice and we were just totally digging each other. I had a snag in the gap and in threw extra hard to get it out. I hit her right in the ankle, right on the bone. It made the most god awful noise. It started swelling and turning purple immediately. I got her an ice pack and tried desperately to adequately apologize.

Did that end up ruining things with her? Or what it okay in the end?

That was three months ago. Sheā€™s become the most amazing girlfriend Iā€™ve ever had. The Irving made it through unscathed :wink:

Sheā€™ll text me in the morning when she wakes. Ill see if she still has a photo of her bruised ankle. If she does , ill post it.

It was probably taking photos of my pristine Spyy Addiction with different string colors. To save the hassle of stringing each one, Iā€™ve been winding the unattached string (like 4A), take the photo, pull the string off and repeat with the next color. Unfortunately, Iā€™ve left the last string on a few times, and once, I forgot to check and gave it a good throw. Good thing the room is carpeted.

Traded my bomb. Squad monster for a dinged up DNAā€¦ anyone feel like trading a monster Iā€™m game. I miss that thing more than the 90ā€™s cartoons


Thinking I would be as good a Andre with 1 month of experience.

Traded away my beserker. Worst decision everrrrrr. I miss that throw.