What is your most regretful yoyo purchase?

Awh man! I love the N9, it’s my daily carry, have you tried taking off the stacks? Because the stakcs nearly ruined the yoyo for me.

Everyone either HATES MYY or LOVES it. Lol.

really? I guess I should try… I normally LOOVEE MagicYo, but tht one just didn’t connect with me lol.

Super stable for me. Lol

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, as they say. :slight_smile:
I really like the Diffusion, thanks again, it’s in good hands.

OG Metal Zero. Had to replace each part at least twice.

I bought 3 magicyoyos that I totally regret. They have horridly slippy binds and an overall cheap feel.

I also HATED the YYF SB hectic I bought a few years back. To be honest, it just didn’t play good in any way. I had to give it away to get rid of it

their response is definitely sub par.
Have you tried just putting in some flowable?

i just died :smiley:

I didn’t like how they played enough to rip out the stock response and put flowable in

What were they?

HICOO black originaly run… that or the BIO ego

I have never fully regretted a yo-yo purchase. While there might have been aspects or features that could be better, I would not call it entirely a “regret.” It is not my style to bash some company or product on a public forum. I share my opinions to that extent wih people who I know personally, in private, who actually care, and who can put my criticisms in the context of knowing my preferences.

Having said that, I try to research things before I buy, and consider the purpose, whether it is to play the yo-yo, or just a collector. Worst case scenario, I have no problem selling things that I have no use for, so even if I regretted buying, I never regret trying it. Even if I sell something, I once had the benefit of test driving it.

I have never felt like I “lost” money on something. Being an educated buyer will minimize that feeling.

YYF Velocity. Absolute Garbage.

Guess our levels of stability must be off. Stable to me is the 7075 majesty, the GE spins out with a CT bearing its decent at best, with a flat bearing its just pointless to throw a gE which prolly explain why they’re still in YYE and prolly won’t go anywhere. I bought one during this sale thing they were having and when I received it I threw it for like a day well I tried to deal with throwing it for a day and I tried to get rid of it as fast as possible and even for dirt cheap I couldn’t get rid of it. I just couldn’t stand it. Just me I guess

Different strokes for different folks.

I’ll take it off your hands for “dirt cheap” :wink:

What yoyo was it?

The jk it unscrewed while i was yoyoing and rolled of into some crowd and im sure some one took it. So now im stuck with half a jk.

To be completely honest. This is the truth. I have both the old and the new versions. Both belong in the trash.