What is your guilty pleasure throw?

Mini yyj and hitman where my edc for years. You have a nice collection!


In first grade, as I’ve shared previously, Ms. Marcy my first grade teacher did not like my red imperial at all. She would take it from me, put it in her desk drawer, then I would relentlessly hound her for it until I got it back. I can still hear her , “NO,” and feel the wack from the yard stick on my backside. Of course I was never dissuaded and I would ask again and everything would be repeated. One day I went into the classroom early to see if I could get the red imperial back. She wasn’t in the room in fact, I heard all the teachers in a meeting.

Opportunity had smiled upon me! I opened the drawer and saw the red imperial on top of a treasure trove of toys stolen from my fellow classmates. I started to collect as much as I could carry and realized I couldn’t come close to carrying it all. What should I do? I just removed the drawer with its contents, slid down the hall, out the door, and hid the drawer in the bushes. Amazingly the contents of the drawer were reunited with the kids that loved them.

So when I look and play with that yoyo do I feel guilty pleasure or just pleasure? (Believe it or not we all loved Ms. Marcy. )


That’s awesome! You’re a first grade super hero!


Wow, great story! It’s like a scene from a movie!


I have to admit I’ve always felt badly that the drawer was never returned and it did suffer a tough winter with kids stomping on it, filling it with dirt and even buring a dead bird in it.


You’re holding back. What was the reaction from the teacher?


Ms. Marcy walked in saw the drawer was gone, sat down at her desk and acted like nothing was amiss. When it was time for recess she never hesitated, gave us our next task and we continued to work. We could hear the other kids outside playing. There’s always that one kid that has to say something about being late and then she spoke. Where’s the drawer? The wonderful thing was that only a few of us knew the drawer wasn’t there. All the kids ran up and looked and smiled, one even gave a slight cheer. We would not have recess until the drawer was returned. Half way through recess, she couldn’t take it any longer and let us out. I always thought I caught a smirk on her face, like she really thought it was funny but didn’t want us to know. I also felt like she was looking directly at me or the bulge from a red imperial in my pocket.


Classic! She probably loved the whole episode and spoke about it with friends and family for years!