What is your "grail"?

I understand you, but I already have a few really phenomenal performing yoyos.

Until those designs are outdated enough that I can’t easily do modern unresponsive tricks with them, I have no reason to buy anything else other than being sucked in to shiny things to gratify desires. Desires, I might add, that are never fulfilled for long.


Vanity, it’s all vanity. -Ecclesiastes


Oh - I will add that a generally want every new yoyo I see. I’m just not fooled by myself.


ILYY Liopleurodon


You mean like this one?


Awww yeah :heart_eyes:

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I like it!

Old general yo throws for me. Also a g2 swirl, just because they look sick.


I’ve been fortunate, with the help of friends, to track down all the yoyo’s I’ve wanted, or considered a “grail.”

A couple off the top of my head that took a bit to find: blue Walter, SLCK-YWET, Clean Machine No Jive, 4mm YWET, Fluchs. Have to thank Pekka, Sonny, Ed, Seth & Grendel for these :raised_hands:t3:

About the only thing I’d really like still would be a matte finish, or clean machine, No Jive with the “No Jive Special” stamp. Hoping @edhaponik grows tired of his someday :smiley:

Just thought, I guess it can’t be a grail since it doesn’t exist, but if @RandyJ ever made a titanium AlleyCat, I’d be all over that :drooling_face:


Oh man, that would be pretty rad. AlleyCat rules. TiCat would be super fun.

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I’d personally like a titanium Alleycat, (design wise) somewhere between the Original and the 650B :ok_hand:t3:


Something from Skon. Something else from Eric Wolff (lucky enough to have one). A Duncan Seattlite.

More collectors than throwers I suppose. But there aren’t that many throwers that mean a ton to me these days. There some that I’d be happy to have, but few that I would work hard trying to find, if that makes any sense.

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DerTi. There are other Derts I’d like to find to complete my collection, but this is first in line. I’ve offered an OG Peak and an End on the only one I know of with no luck. Maybe one day!

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