what is your go-to pocket yo-yo?

My Bad*** MiniStar 8)

One drop M1 with a TX S/C wing bearing…

My pockets are kinda big so any yoyo :stuck_out_tongue:

The CLYW campfire of course!

Usually whatever I’m in the mood for. I always buy multiples of my favorites

Camp Fire!


I wear cargo pants, so double same.


Just lost my Dingo, so I am using the Boss now as my pocket yoyo. A little too big for my liking, but still nice.

“Maybe the baby ate your dingo?” (Australian accent)

Ahh, I see what you did thar!

i like to carry my yuuksta or protostar

I have a marked up Lyn Fury that I’ll grab first or a rim-satined 888 if I want a metal. It’s funny, I’ve amassed a number of yoyos I always think I will carry with me then I continue to carry the same ones and never expand my rotation.

I’m on an eternal search for a Bulldog I would actually put in my pocket. I have two now I would consider too magnificent to subject them to my accident prone travels.

A St.Eel, I can easily put it in my pocket :slight_smile:

OMG, my newly arrived Wasabi (dont know if its og or 09) is great for my pocket…and it plays shweet!