what is your favorite yoyo companie/brand

Whichever ones that make throws I like. :wink:

One Drop!

It depends on what yoyo I decide to bring with me on any particular day.

I don’t have a favorite, but there are some companies whose yoyos fit my preferences better than others.

undeniable <>


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YoyoJam and CLYW.

YYJ because they were my “starting” company, and I haven’t thrown a yoyo from them that I don’t like coughENEME rocks sockscough

CLYW because I’ve got a B-grade, and I swear it’s not a B-grade. On my life? Maybe not. But it’s still an amazing pocket yoyo :slight_smile:

There’s tons of these threads, but some of my favorites are: CLYW, YYF, SPYY, YYJ, One-Drop. Those are basically my favorite five yoyo companies in no order.

I threw YYF for a long time, since the G5 came out. Cruical is one of my faves, but right now my favorite company is MADHOUSE.

purely for yoyos -> onedrop
for how their yoyos play -> SPYY
for how much they invest for the community -> YYF

not going to hop on the “I hate YYF” bandwagon, they’re actually very nice people who do alot to help the community

hating is easy, specially when it’s “rewarded” by some sort of “forum cred”, YYF guys were throwing when most of you kids weren’t even born, and they still are

I’m addicted to YYF, always have been, always will be. =D

Duncan and YYJ will always get my vote for the 2 fav’s, but they are by no means the only yoyo’s I’ll use. As long as it plays smooth, I’m a happy camper.

Probably for the same reason theres a YYF in my signature. Don’t care enough to change it.

My favorite bRand of yoyo is whichever one I happen to have in my hand at the moment.

And ILYY. :stuck_out_tongue:

No IKYO? :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s look at my statement again…

the “And ILYY”: :stuck_out_tongue:

It was a joke in a very blunt form.

This is exactly what I was going to type in here. :stuck_out_tongue:

YYF has been my favorite company since the first time I threw my Boss over a year and a half ago. Lately though CLYW’s been coming on pretty strong for me. We’ll see how things unfold in time…

spyy and 3yo3 are the best

For me I use alot of YoYoFactory yo-yos but i have a few from one drop and i have alot of love for CLYW,SPYY, Duncan and Madhouse.

And on this little YYF hate spree i saw in the last page, I understand you guys have a right to an opinion but unless you have a good reason why bother hating a company that does more for the community than most? It’s like when everyone got butthurt over the duncan 5A mess, it’s really not too helpful if you guys keep bashing good quality work from good people. Plus why are you all getting so angry about it? It’s a toy and its a business but you don’t need to act like it’s choosing a political party.

And with my 2cents out of the way yeah…

I like turtles

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On that note, I think I have yet to see any legitimate reason behind the whole YYF bashing thing. Seems more to me like a hop on the bandwagon type of deal (hating on the big guys is evidently what the cool kids are doing these days). If anyone on the YYF-naysayers side has any sort of constructive (keyword there) feedback or reasoning as to why this is the case, I’d love to hear it.