What is your favorite type of string 🪀

What is your favorite type of yo-yo string and why do you prefer it ???


Yellow Sochi Fat. It’s what I landed on as my go-to after testing a bunch of strings and it’s what I’m most comfortable with. I like the thickness, feel, length, longevity, consistency, and the price.


I ordered sochi fat some weeks ago and I’m still waiting for it to arrive. I hope that I will also make good experiences with that string.
Right now I’m using kitty fat and kitty regular. I love how kitty fat plays but it wears out way too fast for me! I think it wears out faster than kitty regular.

I’ve only tried a handful of the “boutique” stuff. I love what I get out of it. But then Kitty exists and I get a lot of play out of the new formula and I like a good whippy string so XL for me!


Another vote for the Sochi fat here. I tried a bunch of stuff before settling on Sochi. Kitty, monkey vines etc.
Zipline is up there too but I live in the UK so it’s a bit expensive to get my hands on it. I have tried the Sochi / Zipline alphaline and can’t quite tell the difference between that and the standard Sochi string to be honest.


I haven’t tried a ton of brands but Bad Wolfe co is my new favorite… good for slack, last forever, and there just all around awesome in my opinion. I use the Goldilocks size in The Slicc string


Bad Wolfe Co - Plush


I use the Zipline Alphaline because it holds tension very well, lasts quite a bit longer than my bulk strings and is pretty soft, softer than Sochi normals which is what I used before using Alphaline. It’s also just slightly thicker than Sochi normals, kinda in between normal and fat, which I can deal with because I absolutely cannot deal with strings that are thicker than fat size.


I agree

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Zipline Skyline III


I love my Original Throw string the most. It’s an oily string and feel slightly heavier than others at the same thickness. So even the slim version whips GREAT. Plus, it doesn’t burn my hand.
I do have to admit that the biggest factor is the price. If I get it from their official store, then it’s like $5 for 80. After international shipping & import tax, it becomes ~ $12 per 80. Still feel like a steal to me considering the quality of it.


Kitty fat. i love the thickness.

My favorite kind of string is string that is the correct length on each end.


What do you mean with oily? Is it literally oily?

Free string. Because it’s free.

Bad Wolfe Co is where it’s at. Both formulas are fantastic. The Sliccs take a bit to break in, but then they seem to last forever. I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to change a Slicc string.


I’m a fan of YYSL Type X. I normally buy that in bulk. Zipline and Markmont also both have strings that I enjoy.

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Yysl nytro is my favorite string. Sooooooooo good


Bulk is Sochi t string. Boutique is ep 20/20 from zip line and a close second is bad wolfe co slicc.

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Yes sir Bad Wolf Co. is my go to string maker. If I was an end of the world prepper type the slicc stings would be in my bug out bag… The sliccs would outlast the apocalypse!