What is your favorite throw that is discontinued?

Dark magic(original with starburst half) and gung-fu.


Probably the General Yo Ministar 2, but I heard General Yo is going to do another run of those!

So mine would be the Dark Magic II.

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Duncan MG, Bio Malleus, Anti-yo Ywet,


I know I already posted, but after sleeping on it, I change it toā€¦

The 2007 Yoyofactory 888

Iā€™ve been told the titanium 888 takes a the 2007 888 and perfects it. I will definitely be in the hunt.

I will say though, they brought the Skyline back, a yoyo that cost at least $100 or more back in the, for $39.

If they did the same with the 2007 888 it would pull some serious numbers, just like what I imagine Duncan is about to accomplish with the resurgence if the FH1.

Iā€™d just be afraid if they did so, they make tweaks to it and it would become just another iteration if the 888 and not do as well.

@yyfben2.deactivated If you see this, have you considered doing the above? Would you entertain it via a Kickstarter, with using old colorways in the tiers?


I completely agree, Duncan did a great job. I would love to see a run of classic 888s but I would be worried they might change too much. I was thinking the same thing when I read the revive Yoyojam thread. If they changed anything then it wouldnā€™t be Yoyojam and it could even kill the good legacy they have. Not that I donā€™t want re-runs of classic throws but it has to be done with respect to what made the original leave an impression on us. This is what Hollywood and car companies canā€™t seem to grasp. Either respect the original or leave it alone. I hate to see good names slung through the mud for a quick cash grab. Just my 2 centsā€¦

Edit: I would totally buy a well done 888 or dark magic remake if anybody is reading this haha

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Yeah, an 07 888 using the same cad with no changes, do some crazy awesome stuff with Anno and engravings like they did with the Celtic 888, Higby 888, LOTR, etcā€¦

Doesnā€™t have to be the same Anno as above so you donā€™t tick off collectors, but the same cad would just be bananas and Iā€™d buy the livingā€¦


While the MMCs and Terrarians may be in the top three, from what Iā€™ve read, the Top Deck seems to get named as GOAT OD quite a bit as well. I bet a new run would sell quite well.

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Like a few others here have said, I really like the YWET. However, I feel like the Panorama, to me at least, feels like what an updated YWET would be like and it can be obtained easier.

Another one is the Flying V by SPYY. Such a great playing slimline that can be set responsive with a bearing change. I also really like the first run with the polished rims.



Then one wonders why One Drop isnā€™t jumping on the opportunity to rake in the cash. They are a business after all, one that is concerned with keeping employees employed and the cash flowing. They canā€™t afford to sacrifice ā€œobviousā€ revenue opportunities in favor of unproven new designs, especially not in an economic landscape stricken by a pandemic. The clear message, to me anyway, is that One Drop sees far more profit potential in new models than they do in old models like the Top Deck and the VTWO, regardless of how high performance they are. Moreover, when they do revive an old model, they typically use that as an opportunity to improve upon it, adding value. Thereā€™s no such value opportunity with the Top Deck and the VTWO as they are perfect just as they areā€¦

ā€¦except that Iā€™d love to see them make a titanium Top Deck, for the vastly improved durability if nothing else, but I am 100% certain that will never happen.

It might be because, for the most part, they sell everything they make and as a designer of yoyos, Iā€™m sure itā€™s more interesting to work on new projects. While they do make upgraded (7075) versions of older models, they do produce the occasional OG version of certain models.


Iā€™m sure it is too. While the business student in me might be a bit concerned, Iā€™m delighted that they feel they can afford a business model that prioritizes ā€œinterestingā€ over what they already know would (presumably) sell really well. As a ā€œmid-sized boutiqueā€ operation, that canā€™t be always be an easy choice to make and remain committed to. At the same time, this committment to whatā€™s new and interesting makes it all the more unlikely that weā€™ll see another run of Top Decks or VTWOs.

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IĀ“m sure they will offer a very limited run of Top Decks some time in the future, to keep the myth alive. Besides producing good products, they are smart business people. I think there is no nefarious master plan at work by one drop to pinch its own supply and deprive consumers of their most loved models. They simply want to focus on new product development, and they know how to maintain the brand prestige by not flooding the market with their most reputable models. All one drop yoyos are developed and produced in-house. They are assembled with extreme care, to meet the brandā€™s unique and high-quality standards of quality. Understandably, this restricts production capacities.

VSNYYC Ti-Walker.

Any Old, 7075 YoRecreation. My favs:

  1. Sleipnir
  2. Gleipnir
  3. Stargazer
  4. E=MC^2
  5. Fragment

Triton 100%


If you donā€™t mind me asking, what is the barrier from you making more?


Dropped the retirement run and said no more would be made.


Understood, going the OG Peak route so that those with them see you keeping your word. I respect it, I donā€™t like it, lol


It is likely for them to do another run of either of those. The Top Deck especially; as one of their best performance yo-yos. Although their focus hasnā€™t ever been on ā€œperformanceā€ yo-yos, so I may be speaking entirely out of turn.

Something to note is that even 07 888 had some differences between runs