What is your favorite organic yoyo?

YYF KO. It feels the most comfortable to me, very forgiving, appeals to me a whole lot visually and is my favorite organic. I like organics but a majority of the time I don’t want to throw a yoyo that is challenging because life is challenging enough.


I agree. I got the K.O. in the mystery box and I don’t go for organics but this one has the power and stability that things like the Momento lack. Very under rated and surprisingly good.


Really like that yoyo! And can’t believe I left the 888 off my list! :man_facepalming:


I agree with you on the other yoyo you mentioned. It’s a different beast and I like that yoyo (yes, I have one) but I tend to gravitate towards my yoyos that I jive best with and if I have a yoyo that I know is high quality but not doing it for me right now I chalk it up mostly to my current skill level. The KO is organic but performs and acts like a yoyo that has all the fancy cuts and weight distribution for power and long spin time and speed while also not being very finicky if I am not throwing perfect because like I said: Life is challenging enough so I prefer my yoyos to not be.


The Gorge is really great! I’ve owned a couple, then when I go through my “clear out everything that’s not getting regular play” phase I sold them. Then regretted it, bought another one, have another phase and sell it :joy:

They’ve also got the “Ditch” (I believe that’s the name) a mini version of the Gorge coming out too, looking forward to trying that eventually.


Oh yeah, super excited about the Ditch. I’ll definitely be picking up both on the next run/release.

I guess I’ll give a somewhat contrarian contribution. I generally don’t care for pure organics or monometals. But, some of my absolute favorite throws are organic hybrids or have an organic influence. My favorite throw that might be classified as an organic is the Anomaly. One could argue it’s a hybrid design, but it’s utterly fantastic regardless. :ok_hand:t3: Damian Puckett’s Duality would be my pick for a more pure organic design.


I am also curious if the Anomaly counts as organic. I think if it was a bit wider there wouldn’t be as much ambiguity.

I’m surprised no one mentioned the Cabal either. I hardly ever see them on the BST so I’m assuming people like them.

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Hold on, I almost forgot my favorite yo-yo is organic (probably because I got it before I had any clue what “organic” or even “responsive/unresponsive” meant in yo-yo): The 44rpm Blues.


I really enjoy my yotricks arcade. it has a nice organic feel to it and plays amazing :grin: totally recommend it :+1:t2:


I also like the Arcade


A little heavy for its size for my taste, but definitely plays nicely. Made a joke a few weeks ago saying that because the Arcade looked similar to the Furn, I was going to use it as my reason for not getting a Furn. Of course I couldn’t resist and the Furn also feels like a small, heavy object at the end of the string, but I like it, too.


It really depends on what people consider an organic yoyo. Considering all of my yoyos are kinda angular, I could say my favorites are the Grasshopper GTX and the CLYW Boy. The Boy is pretty angular, but to my standards, it’s kind of organic.

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Really love my broken yoyos sumo, Duncan mg, oxy 4, life, and yweti


Duncan MG is a grail for me. Maybe with the success of the recent Freehand iterations they’ll consider another run. Not holding out hope though.

I feel like I can say with mild confidence that neither of those are organic yoyos. Great nonetheless. The Boy is a cool design.


yeah, as i said, i dont have any organic yoyos, so those are considered, more on the organic side for me.

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5 Star for me.


How could I have possibly forgotten the Blues. I enjoy that yoyo very much


Duality is my favorite