What is your favorite metal rimmed yoyo?

Yeah. So what is your favorite metal rimmed yoyo?
I know they are basically all YYJs, but this includes Dv8s
and any other bi-metals.

Im still deciding lol.
Dv8 or Mo-trix for me.

probably THE CUT

please dont report me yoyoexpert gave me another chance I swear I am not trying to spam please dont report me yoyoexpert gave me one more chance i didnt mean to sorry

The Cut is full metal. And what are you talking about?

Do HG yoyos count? If so then SFHG. If not, I’d say Motrix.

I think HG yoyos should count :smiley:

And DNA 1995, is talking about me reporting him,
because I said “The great spamdini returns” and
he thought I was going to report him because I know who he is, and thought
he was just here to spam again.

x-convict and protostar

those two are my favorite

X-convict or Legacy at the moment, but I might get a ProtoStar.

legacy isnt metal rimmed. but it is a sweet yoyo.

Neither is the protostar haha.

wasn’t the protostar count because it has metal insert?

Metal weight ring.

Yeah, metal weight ring, just as with the Legacy.

good call, i didnt see that he wrote protostar. but i dont think protostar counts even though it has inserts, because the legacy has metal inserts also, but they are hidden behind the caps. if the original question was about “hybrid” yoyos, then maybe, but “metal rimmed” is more specific and excludes the legacy and protostar.

Hitman and Dark Magic. Looove those.

atmosphere,dark magic

THose are technically metal rimmed… SO they count

I think mine is the Dv8. I want to play one so bad.

Wait, you say that your favorite metal rimmed yoyo is one you have yet to try? That doesn’t really make sense…

Well, I love the looks, color, and its super rare.
I change it back to the mo-trix if it annoys you.

Ha sorry, but thanks. It does annoy me, so thanks. You can like those things about it, but a favorite yoyo really consists of how you like the play and feel of it as well.


Then my fav is the Mo-trix.