What is your biggest fall apart

Yo-yoJam Jambo
It just vibrated itself into its many pieces. I used to keep the parts in a bag, can not find the bag. I will have to put in some time looking. It seems to be a nostalgic catastrophe. Ha ha, ha ha, ha…
Have a great week everyone.

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Had a Purpleheart TMBR Irving (about 65g) come apart into a wall. Left a dent in the wall, and was about an inch from my family room tv.


My TMBR PockeHt came apart once or twice. No damage, thankfully. Unlike one of the times the string broke…


My AL7 Prime8 came apart this past Sunday while i was in the basment waiting for the laundry, i actually have matts on the floor in every room but this half of the basment was not finished so the floor is concrete… both halves flew i managed to pin one under my foot but the other half ruled and bounced like a pinball in a pinball machine. Only got 2 minor scratches… oh well i guess i have another EDC now.


I was in front of Golden Apple Comics at least 20 years ago. I threw a breakaway and the yo-yo not only came apart but both halves shot out into the street(Melrose on a Saturday afternoon) across 4 lanes of traffic!

Cars were thick and flying in all 4 lanes and we lost site of the halves as they flew off. Yo-yo gone for sure, right?

There was a pause in the traffic and I stepped out into the street to see if I could recover the halves or what was left, anyways.

Both green halves we resting against the curb, in the gutter across the street. Not a tire tread on either half. No warped hub or bent axle or whatever.

I screwed the parts together as I carefully made it back across the street and it played just like nothing happened at all.

No kidding, lol🙀

***Oops! I forgot a vital piece of information>

The yo-yo was a green Viper. The Viper has the soft shells and obviously has a better chance of surviving certain kinds of situations that would Kill other yo-yos instantly. So…. Even though the yo-yo survived certain death, it did have a good running start at not being fatally injured.


Whoops. Yeah i been here for a long time, and im still going over old threads, and new. Sometimes I forget which is which.

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