What is YOUR Best Yoyo…All time best yoyo (in your opinion) (Merged)

I have owned quite a few of the super high end throws like the Anglam and Draupnir, but nothing compares to my G-Squared Aftershock.

Loving my new wooly Markmont now

So what is yours? Mine so far is the yoyofactory shutter.



G2 Al7 Aftershock


So I guess the draupnir is a good yoyo. Forgive my ignorance, but what company makes it?

All time best is really relative - to me it would be a yo-yo that changed the way people play or the way yo-yos were designed, the yo-yos that defined the next wave of tricks and styles or brought a certain style to the mainstream. Things that fall into this category are the Tom Kuhn NoJive, the Turbo Bumblebee, the SuperYo Renegade, the original Duncan Freehand, the YYF G5. I’m sure there are others but those are truly groundbreaking for me.

Czm8(USA version)

IYYC Breathe

Really? The high speed yoyo review gave the iyyc breath a bad rating. Why do you like it?


I’m almost positive he was joking :smiley:

Oxy Hyperion. Not sure the best way to explain it. I have hundreds of yoyos. I have Draupnirs, a few TiWalkers, A few Ricochets; a whole Yoyo bag full of CLYW. A few dozen One Drops. More than a few dozen YYF. A shoebox full of YYR. <>I could go on for 10 minutes.

I had 2 TI5’s. They both had a change of Ownership. A superb playing Yoyo. I just didn’t care for the feel of the Yoyo in the hand or on the return.

When Carlo posted(some time ago) ‘The Hyperion is as close to perfect as we have gotten’(or something like that). I bought one of the straight Ti colored ones. Threw it around for a few days. And it has the same kinda lame rim configuration that SMACKS me right in the middle finger joint; like Cliffs and Arctic Express yoyos. I found somebody that had no problem with the ‘shape’ and I had No Hyperion.

Then as weeks passed by; I noticed I kept remembering all the things I liked about the Hyperion. It’s fast. It’s light on the string. It’s very stable. It literally floats on the string. It is not ‘floaty’; it just spins so smooth, it doesn’t even seem to be spinning. The machine work is impeccable. And I got around my distaste of the little shape issue by simply taking the time to make a few adjustments in the way I cup my hand to catch it. And as with other Ti yoyos; it is hard to mark up. I have smacked it into fighting knife handles. Had a bad bind episode, where the Oxy crashed into a 40 caliber Glock; I had in my pocket… It didn’t even dent. Amazing!

So now I have 2 of them: one violet, one blue. I switched halves, so my daily carry Yoyo is one expensive 2 tone, lolol.

Actually, I think it is hard to get a bad Yoyo, nowadays. Most major makers have at least a few Seriously good yoyos. And the smaller makers have first rate yoyos, too. G2 in particular has 2 amazingly under rated yoyos: Aftershock and the Triton.

I think the Best Yoyo ever; in terms of everything good and nothing bad; is the TiWalker. To me, no bones about that.

But if I had to pick ‘My Best Yoyo’; it would have to be the Hyperion. For me, it’s that good.


It seemed like he had pretty good reasons to not like it.

3yo3 Ti5
Hands down!!

YYF Shutting Star

My YoyoRecreation Aeronaut. I’ve tried many different offstring yoyo the Jet set EC It felt light and I didn’t like the shape, Numerous yoyojams I think the worst one of all is the Big yo It’s too big, too light and feels extremely cheap , Zeekio Apollo’s I had two both broke But I like the organic shape. The Aeronuat is amazing it’s a learning tool for me because of the control you have of it makes it easier to lean and preform tricks it’s the perfect yoyo for me right now.