What is vibe?

Is this going to happen every time Jensen puts out a vid?

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Yes…yes it will.

he is King of All Our Hearts and there is nothing you can do about it.

Edit: in my opinion vibe is like a viola string, when a yoyo vibes just as a C string does then you know you are making proper art. If your yoyo does not vibrate then it needs to have something else, perhaps a canadian touch or the influence of something as amazing as an aeroplane, but if it’s made to only sleep as long as possible without tilting then it has made sacrifices in its design along the way. the throws that I have that vibe are apt to affect the experience in a positive manner more than the pristine and pure yoyo will. The beaten for miles OG addiction(the first run had more of a center weight than the later runs as well.) that I have vibes half the time plays with a million times more soul than the mint and smooth wavelength superstar I had for a while. Like listening to my favorite music albums this yoyo is great in every way I need it to be, and it isn’t too over the top (like an E string is.) no one should need anything more than a fairly basic yoyo, how many people that own a V8 car or SUV actually use that amount of power? they could do fine with a I4 because the average speed even on a a highway isn’t 150 MPH, extra performance isn’t needed.

what was i talking about again?
I think I’m lost now… :frowning:

This what I use now when describing vibe, as it gives people I’m selling to a clear indication of what to expect in terms of how smoothly a throw spins.

Vibe is the vibrations a YoYo gives off whilst spinning. Normally, the better the yoyo, the less vibrations it gives off.