What is the fastest yoyo and what is the most stable yoyo?

What is the fastest yoyo and what is the most stable yoyo?

This all depends on the person. The yoyo that I have that I think is the fastest is my ODxToxic T1, but many have disagreed when I’ve said this. It’s all about preference.

The most stable, in my opinion, is either the Cliff or Arctic Circle both done by CLYW.

Yoyorecreation Draupnir and Sturm Panzer Leo Sniper mk2 are both crazy fast and still offer a lot of stability.

In my opinion the fastest yoyo is the Something Anglam. The most stable is the C3 BTH. :smiley:

The fastest in my opinion would be the YYR Draupnir, sOMEThING Anglam, and the Sturm Panzer Leo Sniper mk2

Most stable would be New YYF Superstar, CLYW Sasquatch, and the Diamont Noir Celestial 2.0

Arguably, the ProYo and the very first yo-yo ever created.
