What is the best one drop yoyo that is less than 100$

What is the best one drop yoyo that is less than 100$?

In terms of preference I would grab a downbeat if I was getting a sub $100 OD.

MMC new 95$ used ?
Cascade used ?
Benchmark14W 60$ with a spare set of side effects to modify weight when desired.

All depends on what you like. I’m going to rehash some of what’s already said, along with my own recommendation:

For my money, the Gradient. Unlike other OD yoyos, they sometimes require some fiddling (30 seconds to 2 minutes) to get working optimally… but it’s worth it!

Haven’t tried a Downbeat.

The 2014 W is an amazing all-arounder. Stable but also comfortable.

The 2014 V is a fantastic yoyo, too, but less comfortable on the catch. I prefer it over the W, but that W is hard to beat for usefulness.

Markmont Classic. I forgot they’re only $95. Amazing yoyo. Love that thing.