What is bulk string?

What’s the difference between bulk string vs others and is there a string that’s better? I bought alphine string AlphaLine Yoyo Strings - ■■■■■■■■■■.com

However it says its bulk string. Im wondering if there is a better string I should be using I’m getting some bad string burn on the top of my fingers on my off hand. Sorry for the novice question I just can’t find this answer anywhere. Thanks!

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bulk string is string that comes in… bulk… packages meaning packs of 100 generally and made in large batches at some manufacturing facility; most string is bulk string.

The other side is “boutique” string which is sold in smaller packs (for example Zipline sells strings in packs of 3) and made by individuals on their own string making rigs which is more labor intensive. They tend to feel nicer, be made of better quality materials, have more options as far as thread-types, and can last longer. They’re also a lot more expensive per-string than bulk strings. For example, Original Throw strings are about $0.20 per string while Zipline strings cost a little more than $1 each.


in addition to the response above - don’t misunderstand bulk string as “bad” string, there are some really good ones - i myself basically only use first class kitty fat. i also think c3 pro and OT is good. when you’re deep into yoyoing and start going through strings like underwear, it isn’t feasible to be throwing with boutique string when you’re grinding out practice sessions.


Thanks for the detailed responses :handshake::sunglasses:

I like the string that came with my shfx speaking of c3 its a little thicker than the alphaline. When do you replace your string? Mine seem to last a week or so before they get really frayed but im only practicing a couple hours a day give or take. But that time is slowly increasing lol

“when it needs to be” – seems to be a personal preference. I didn’t change my string nearly enough growing up because I thought string was expensive and I’d rather spend it on yo-yos lol, so i ended up playing with a lot of really “dead” string.

Nowadays I change it when it when it feels frayed and no longer bouncy and seems like it’s no longer holding tension correctly i.e. no matter how much I adjust the tension, slack loops still curl up. This is part of the reason I stick with bulk string, to give myself more of a reason to change it since the per-unit cost is less.


I end up changing after about 10 hours of play. Sometimes that’s every few days, sometimes it’s after a week. I used to not think too much about changing string, but I’ve learned to notice when my it’s my string, and not just my ineptitude, holding me back.

Though I am currently low on string and with this current winter storm I don’t think I’ll be getting some delivered any time soon… so I will have to make do.


Makes sense thanks

strongly disagree with this statement. i play anywhere from 1-4 hours a day on generally the same 1 or two yoyos and i exclusively use zipline exec lites. not sure why you would consider it not feasible. at the rate i play one exec lite string lasts about a month. one $2.00 string per month with a bare minimum of 30 hours of playtime seems pretty good to me :man_shrugging:

That’s fair - that being said everyone’s mileage may vary. People change out their strings depending on different factors. I tend to change mine out quicker when they get stretched too much and oily which can be pretty quickly

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do you mean the length or the axle loop? is this something that can be offset by washing it? the nylon strings seem to tighten back up at least some after a trip through the laundry