What have you and your Yoyo broken?

Yea ive popped myself in the head a bunch of times especially early on being a newb trying to learn trapeze on a yomega powerbrain and it snaps back and WHAMO right in the kisser. its even more frusterating when u dont land the trick. Now im like super aware. You like know it can happen at any minute. LMAO

i was trying to loop yesterday and whacked myself in the forehead.

I feel like I break something every time I get a snag when I throw and it come right back and hits my elbow…

I was reading, reading, reading, bam! Te post I was reading dissapeared.
I broke string.

i was trying to loop a while ago with a cheap wooden yoyo, when it wacked me in the forehead and snaped in half.

idk… i guess that one is a little more special tho

My cell phone.
and I just can’t count how many times it broke me.
all that cut and bruises, fun stuff.

What happened was I was teaching my friend yoyoing, and I he wanted to try doing a bind. He couldn’t quite get it down, so what we did was I threw the yoyo and he tried to get it back up, using his fingers. I guess he kinda looped it the wrong way, because it slammed up into his finger, which snapped back and broke.

I put a hole in my school locker/changing room walls…

Last weekend, my newly purchased b-grade RecRev No. 9 decided to kiss my knuckle from a poorly executed Kwyjibo or Eli Hop. When I got home about 4 hours later I was wondering why my knuckle was hurting only to realize the fat lipped rim smashed it pretty hard, all 69 grams of that aluminum. Almost a week later, my knuckle still hurts from it! Other than that, I love my No. 9.

Earlier this past week, my yo-yo almost landed on the glass of the pinball machine in my room. I believe I was messing with my Maverick.

Lastly, a while back I was doing some 5A trick, I think I was trying a bee sting when my cat got in the way. I lost control as my cat hopped up on something and kissed my squirrel CW. She gave me this ‘what the…’ look for the longest time.