What film/movie/series did you last watch?

I find Escape From LA has aged a lot worse than NY and is a pretty terrible film (and I’m saying that as a fan of John Carpenter!)


I can’t argue with that. Both are bad in a good way, but NY is just better at it. Plus, no matter how many times I see it the chandeliers on the Duke’s car crack me up.

I don’t think Escaoe From New York is bad at all, I think it is flipping brilliant!

Saw Train to Busan and Edge of Tomorrow recently

I’ve been watching Schitts Creek. Just started season 4 and I’m liking it a lot. Dan Levi is quite the character and Chris Elliott is so good at playing a creep!

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The Gentleman, seemed really familiar if you’ve watched the others (Lock Stock, Snatch), but still a fun movie. I want a plaid jumpsuit now.

The last thing he wanted. It’s the last thing I wanted. Ugh.

The Hunt. Campy silly fun.

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I just finished the Maze Runner and man was it good, I love stuff like the hunger games and the maze runner and boy did it completely make me fall in love with the movie series

Now I have to watch ‘They Live’ again. :smiley:

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Anyone mention The Platform? It’s on Netflix, watch it.

Watched Onward this morning. I enjoyed it as I totally got the references to DnD and Magic: The Gathering. It was also a touching movie with several “misty-eyed” moments. If you have Disney+, I highly recommend checking it out.

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I watched that a couple of weeks ago. It was alright.

Tiger King! What a ride. Spoiler ? below…

I can’t understand how the prosecution convicted on the case with the Jeff guy and his ‘killer’ buddies testimony? Carol paid them on the side to convict him? Is that what we’re supposed to assume? Because that is one flimsy case that has zero witness credibility between the two. Killing and selling tigers, sure, but that isn’t what he was convicted of.

The @nonja121 show… :slight_smile:

They Live is always a good choice that movie is fantastic. And I the last movie I watched was Road Games (2016) on Hulu, pretty great indie thriller.


Don’t judge me, but I really liked it. High School Musical the Series.

Watching Great White North clips from the old SCTV series.


This song with Geddy Lee of Rush was all over the radio I think around Christmas when I was in 9th or 10th grade. You just reminded me of it. I don’t think I’ve heard it since 1980-1981. Thank you!

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The Minds of Men.

It’s a fairly in-depth history of mkultra and its multitude of sub projects that formed the foundation for the study and use of… cybernetics.

This is what actual nightmares are made of :astonished:

Parks and Recreation



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