What film/movie/series did you last watch?

Just noooo.

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I was watching the sub. I’m a bit of a weeb

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i completely forgot about the sub.

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[quote=“smileypants707, post:301, topic:297581, full:true”]
Rim of the World on Netflix.

It was so terrible. Like, really bad. Like, some cheap half assed knock off of Stranger Things.

Well i gave it a go, and it appears to be too good to be a B movie. That said i’ll have a full opion in a few days, i tend to fall asleep when the TV is on. it took me 3 attempts to get to Hagrid saying “your a wizard Harry” in the first Potter film.

Its seams to be in a similar vein to Super 8, which i enjoyed. Just enough mild peril with a twist & satisfying ending. I’m looking forward to watching the rest of the Rim film (eventually). Thanks for the recommendation / review. :+1:

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Cold Pursuit. You want terrible, lol. Of course I did laugh hysterically a couple of times.

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Well finally got around to finnishing watching Rim of the World.
I take it all back, you were right. After much editing i’ll just agree and say cringy. I won’t be rewatching.


I like a good bad movie just as much as the next guy, but that one is just plain awful. Glad you finally came around! Haha

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What I dislike is film makers making films with the intention of appealing to the “so bad its good” crowd. Birdemic is a good example of a film that is so bad that it is just really flipping terrible


The new Alladin. It’s so good!


Are we talking “Rim of the World Bad” or B movie bad ?
Reason is if i ever have the misfortune of seeing the Rim film again i will take a blow torch to my eyes, where as a B movie is bad on a scale of OTT acting, cheezy script, terrible FX which i can cope with seeing again if its sort of believable, for example THEM 1954 b/w total B movie enjoyment. (i did say sort of believable :smiley:)

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What about like, Napoleon Dynamite?

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Never seen it!


Well just had a look at the trailes both films look pretty awful. But the SFX on Birdemic look truly bad, if its on netflix it could be tonights movie.

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Taken 2, (not as good as the first one) Equalizer (quite brutal but I liked it)
Alladin (will Smith is blue, what do you want from me?)

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good choices.
I’m guessing you mean Equilizer with Mr Washington ?

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Of course, the equalizer show wasn’t exactly “brutal” lmao.

Watched the new “A Star is Born” last night. I loved it. The interaction between Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper seemed so natual it almost seemed like a lot of it was ad lib. I recommend.

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Was toying with watching that, but not sure. I remember watching the Judy Garland version some years ago.

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It doesn’t get much love, but Nacho Libre – the followup movie to ND from the same director etc – is really excellent and underrated. Highly recommended.


I think the last time I watched a movie was about 3 weeks ago. I watched endgame

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