Im tring to narrow my desicion on my first off string yoyo. thanks for the vote its greatly appretiated.
fiesta is about the best choice there or u could go for the griffin wing by shinwoo
Any of them will be great. What other people use won’t have any real effect on what would be good for you. I use a regular 1a yoyo.
Just use any yoyo that is designed for 4A. Actually there are very little 4A yoyos on the market, coming to think of it. Just look at the shapes and imagine holding them in your hand. Then get the one that ‘feels’ best.
for your first i would buy a fiesta. i have a fiesta, hayabusa, equinox, aquarius and i started out on a dark magic II with the thin bearing in it. i dont really like the fiesta because it is too heavy. but starting out it was really good to practice with and when you upgrade it will be easier with a lighter yoyo for you. but the fiesta is tough and cheap and that’s about all you need for a starter offstring.
Why? I thought heavier yoyos have an overall longer spin time, due to the greater momentum?
Oops, didn’t mean to thank that post.
Any difference in momentum due to more weight is negligable when working with such small distances.
And where the weight is makes a big difference. Rim Weighted yoyos- Hybrids, H-Shaped yoyos, have a lot more stability and a bit more spin time when compared to center weighted, floatier yoyos.

And where the weight is makes a big difference. Rim Weighted yoyos- Hybrids, H-Shaped yoyos, have a lot more stability and a bit more spin time when compared to center weighted, floatier yoyos.
They may be ever-so-slightly more stable, but as with spin time, any difference is going to be pretty negligable.