What do you think you will get for christmas?

Rally, neon pink thread, 2x contact juggling balls, $20 amazon credits (gotten already) $$$$$$.

/\ This is from all my family combined /\

Completely unrelated, but i got 2 thank yous from the exact same person…

Gold Gnarwhal (So Excited)
Gold Nugget CLYW Toque
100 Neon Green Fat Kit
Overspray New Era Vans AKA. Black Bip Bop Vans
$200 that will go towards yoyos.

Seriously no idea about everything else.

not for me I had few wants this year most of the stuff I asked or got is stuff I need Like the Yoyo strings and response pads, and a otterbox for my ipod touch cause my dog ate my old case. That and with most of the stuff my mom tries completing christmas for each of us for under $100 so really I’m not very greedy.

Your good.

But CLYW’s AND $200!!??

Or a yoyo AND a Ipone 5s!?

My mom doesn’t even have an iPhone 5s because the 5C (cheaper) works the same!

Im hoping for a Rally, a speed cube, probably some money from my grandmother, and possibly a D5100. Yes, a D5100 is EXTREMELY expensive, but I highly doubt Ill get it, just asked haha :p.

Pretty much 32 hours until i open my stocking!!!¡ Me and my 11 year old sister have a tradition of trying to stay up all night on christmas eve night, and we’re planning on wathing 20 simpsons episodes on my laptop hahaha.

ohai again.

I got an amazon gift card. Goody. Off to buy a skewb and some other cubes.

Bro if you have iMessage or something I’ll talk to you most of the night on Christmas Eve haha. I stay up late anyway.

Hopefully, a YYJ next level

Non-yoyo related

iPod nano 6

yeah in my house there is this logic that we dont or shouldn’t have to pay our credit card debt completely off until July because insane Christmas present spending

Sorry to get off topic but this is un true…

Not really.

Besides the fancy outside features.

No the 5s’s insides are actually better. The guts of the 5c are the same from the 5


The 5c is basically just a full plastic and colourful 5

Summit, got it off the BST for $60, my parents paid for it though, meaning I’ll have to wait till Christmas lol In the mean time, I snuck it out of the box and powder coated.

  1. Icy Purple Splash Puffin.
  2. Samsung HMX-H100

My parents don’t know what yoyos are.

Nothing yoyo related. I am getting some shirts, some underwear, a couple ties. Oh! Also a sweater.

Cool! I hope I get another tie

Funds for EYYC trip

Sounds like fun. I’m hoping for some Bow Ties